"Okay. Do you need for my parents to call your parents?" 

"No it's fine." I said and turned around. As I walked out the door I heard her say my name. 



"Thank you again, and I'm sorry. I'm sorry you got involved in such a mess." 

"You're welcome and you didn't involve me in anything. I told you I'd be here for you, if this is what it takes, then so be it. Good night Naomi." I gave her a small smile. 

"Good night. Be safe." She said as I left her room. 

I said goodbye to her parents who insisted I stayed for dinner and made my way home. As I walked, I pulled out my cellphone.

"Hey Will, you busy?" I texted him. 

"Nah, man, why?"

"Wanna shoot some hoops tomorrow after school? 

"Sure man."

"K see you then." 

And suddenly, I have a guy friend; honestly, such a relief. 

Naomi's POV

I sat on my bed thinking of what had been my life for the past three hours and the conversation I'd just had with Mena. At this point, I knew I loved him but right now I felt so numb to everything. Every time my life felt like it was turning itself around, something went wrong. I pulled out my phone to call the only person I trusted with my life, Nasim. 

I heard the phone ring twice before she picked up.

"Hey b, whats up?" I heard her say with her perky voice.

I took a deep breath to hold back from crying. 

"Yeah, I'm okay, we just...I mean, I..."

"What? What happened Naomi?" 

"He's back." Were the only words I could let out of my mouth before a small sob escaped it. 

"Wait what? Are you okay? How do you know?" She asked concerned. 

"He came to my house, and I didn't know it was him and he tried but Mena came and I'm okay but like he escaped and now Mena's involved and everything is such a mess. I just want a normal life, I hate living in fear, it's not fair. And for the past days I've received text messages and I think it's him and I don't know what to do or who to tell or–"

"Text messages? Naomi why didn't you tell me this? Yo have to tell your parent's or the police or someone." 

"I know but I'm scared what if he hurts you guys or my parents?"

"What if he hurts you Nay? You have to tell someone, promise me you'll talk to you parents please." 

I took a deep breath and sighed. "I don't kn–"

"Promise me Naomi!" 

"I promise" 

"Okay, look I can come over if you'd like." 

"No it's okay, I just, I want to be alone right now. I'm sorry for like bombarding you with this." 

"Don't say sorry Nay it's okay. Look I have to go then, my parents are on my ass about this calculus test. I love you okay, see you tomorrow?" 

"Yeah, thank you." 

I hung up the phone and closed my eyes until I heard a knock on the door.

"How you doing Nay?" I heard my mom ask. 

"I'm okay, I mean as okay as one can be after this." I said as she put her hand on me bruised cheek.

"Look the police is going to stay around okay? He can't hurt you in here anymore. I promise." 

"That's what we said the last time mom." 

Silence arose. 

I layed my head on my moms lap as she played with my hair. "I know baby girl, I'm sorry. This'll be over soon. Just sleep for now okay, you must be exhausted." 

I closed my eyes and dosed off. 


Sooo much drama omg. I don't know how I feel about this storyline tbh, but Imma keep it going for you guys! If you have any suggestions or ideas feel free to comment down below. 

I love you guys and thanks for the support. 

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Love you guys!

tw: nayscotts

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