Chapter 29 - Solo debut and... cookies?

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Hello everyone it's already april, and hope everyone is doing well in this time.. it's been really long, hasnt it hueheue

This chapter was actually drafted based on baekhyun's solo debut (😱) yes that long ago so uhm haha

i'd like to apologise for taking too long to come back to wattpad 😔

"Taejoon-ah! Come here!" Baekhyun scurried out of his room and into the living room, where Taejoon was playing with his toys noisily. Taejoon mercilessly dragged his toy cars on their wheels through a pile of assorted toys as he snapped his head up when he heard his dad call his name.

"Eh?" He watched with wide eyes following his dad as Baekhyun sat on the sofa, searching for the remote control for the TV. "TV! TV!" Taejon cheered as he crawled up the sofa and snuggled next to his dad. Amongst the messy stack of soft cushions nestled the remote control which Baekhyun snatched up and quickly aimed at the TV. Using the SMART functions of the TV, he accessed the YouTube app swiftly and typed in the search bar.

"What is it?" Taejoon asked without clear pronunciation.

"Hold on, it's loading~" Baekhyun sang. Taejoon stared at the screen, eyes wide in anticipation. "Baby shark?" He asked. "Tomato juice song?" He couldn't stop asking out of curiosity within that few seconds of buffering. "Aigoo no no. It's appa new song." Baekhyun sighed.

"Appa? Song?" He asked once again and the video finally started playing. Throughout the entire video he was pointing at the screen and shouting "appa! Appa! It's appa! Oh appa!" whenever Baekhyun appeared. Baekhyun couldn't help but laugh out loud and agree with him.

"So many of appa! Oh finish..." Taejoon was visibly upset because the video ended and his appa was no longer on the screen. "Appa gone." Taejoon's voice wavered slightly. "Appa is here though?" Baekhyun giggled, pulling Taejoon onto his lap.

"How was the song, joonie?" Baekhyun asked as he bounced the little one up and down on his lap.

"It! Was! Nice! Appa was there appa is very cool!!" Taejoon's voice got cut off each time Baekhyun lifted him up and down. "HAHAHAHAHAHHA" Baekhyun cuddled his son closer to him, smothering the top of his head with kisses. It was ticklish for Taejoon who struggled to escape.

"Do you want some snacks? What shall we eat? Do you want bread? Biscuits? Milk?" It was the late afternoon and they could do with a simple snack before dinner.

"Hmm cookies?" Taejoon comically tapped his chin, as if in deep thought, giving his dad a suggestion.

"Cookies? The one eomma made?" Taeyeon had baked cookies just two days back to share with the members and her family so she made in huge batches, so much that there is still leftover batter in the fridge.

"They were yummy! Eomma's cookies are the best!" He brought two thumbs up. Baekhyun chuckled nervously. He was given instructions to not give Taejoon too many cookies because of the sugar. And he ate quite a few himself without the boy knowing so he fears he might have emptied the container.

"Okay but only two, do you want to have it with milk?" He carried the boy to the kitchen and set him down on the counter. Taejoon nodded, swinging his legs while singing a cookie song he made on the spot happily.

"Yummy cookie! Crumby cookie! Choco cookie in my tummy!" He sang as he watched his dad hustle.

Baekhyun settled the plate of cookies and a child-sized cup on the dining table before going back to carry Taejoon to his high seat.

"Thank you appa!" Taejoon's eyes sparkled as he stared at the cookies before taking one bite. He hummed in satisfaction as the choco chip bits melted in his mouth. He then dipped the cookie into the cup of milk and ate deliciously.

"It's good?" Baekhyun lovingly stared at his son enjoying the cookie. He grabbed one from the plate for himself and took a big bite. "Mhmm eomma's cookies are jjang!" Baekhyun gave a thumbs up. Taejoon finished his first cookie, gave two thumbs up and a toothy smile with crumbs. The two broke into a hearty laugh and that's how their afternoon went...~


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2020 ⏰

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