Chapter 1 Pairs

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Everyone was excited about getting dorms. It was getting dangerous to go outside especially when it was getting dark. So The Hokage  (Naruto) decided dorms would be a good way of keeping them all safe from harm. They could only go out in in pairs with special permission or with a group of 3+ people. Depending on the time they would be accompanied by an adult. (By sunset, Sunrise, night)

" Okay!" Naruto shouted trying to settle the class of shouting children." The pairs have been selected on who you will be sharing a room with. If you have a complaint come see me." He explained." They are on the board." He finished as he walked away from the board quickly trying to escape from the children rushing to the board to see who they would be sharing a room with.

"Yes! I'm with you Sarada!" Chou Chou shouted across the classroom.

"Ah, looks like I'm with you Denki." Shikadi said with a smile.
"Y-yeah" Denki agreed shyly.

-Boruto P.O.V-

'Hmm? Who am I with?'
I walked up to the board but there were too many people so I just shoved and pushed people. I mean they were doing it aswell so what's the harm?

'I'm with...' I traced my finger down until I found my name leading to another's. 'Mitsuki...' my face heated up quickly, 'I hope no one notices me blushing I thought as I walked back to my seat and just stared at the blue haird boy sat in front of me. 'He's cute...' I thought. 'Ugh, why does he have to be so cute? He'll be the death of me..' I thought as I sighed out loud.

"Something wrong Boruto?" I heard someone ask.
As I looked up I saw Inojin looking down at me from his seat.
"No I'm fine.." I replied hoping the blush from my face had dissappeared. "Hmm? What not happy with who you were put with?" He questioned.
" No, I'm happy with who It's just..Its just that..." damn it what do I say!? "Well..."

"Its Mitsuki isn't it?"
"WHAT!?" I shouted grabbing the attention of Sarada and Shikadi who walked up to us.
"Why are you shouting idiot?" Sarada asked.
"All I asked him was if it was Mitsuki he was sharing a room with." Inojin explained.
"Hehe...Right" I said feeling stupid. I thought he ment who I liked...
"He proberly thought you ment who he liked" Shikadi said staring at me.
"WHAT!? HOW DO YOU? N-NOO" I shouted standing up.Now with  everyone looking at me I sank back down into my seat. 'No point if trying to deny it now...'

"We know, Boruto." Sarada said.
"But...How" I asked. I haven't told anyone about how I feel about him. I only realised my feelings two weeks ago...

"It's pretty obvious.." Inojin said with a sweat drop.
"Yeah,you blush everytime you see him." Shikadi said.
"And you get in a mood when he's talking to someone else for long" Sarada said.

"I diddnt know it was THAT obvious..." I explained.
"Well are you?" Inojin asked.
" Am I what?"
"Sharing a room with Mitsuki?"
"...Yeah..." I said nodding my head slowly.
"What are you going to do?" Sarada asked me.
" What do you mean?"
"Well, you have a crush on him and will be waking up with him everyday,going to school with him, doing missions with him and going to sleep in the same room as him everyday,it'll be hard you know." She explained.
'Great' I thought.. 'How will I cope?'

The bell rang and I stood up slowly, grabbing my bag.
"Make sure never to be alone until we say" My old man shouted so everyone could hear. " Your keys to your room will be given to you when you arrive at the dorm after school by Konohamaru Sensi" He said then leaving the room.

"Want to go to hang out at the park" Sarada asked.

"Sure" Shikadi said.
"Yeah" Inojin agreed.
"OH! I'm coming aswell!"Chou Chou shouted from where she was sat.
'How did she even hear?' I thought to myself.
"You in Boruto? We can see if Mitsuki wants to come too." Inojin teased.
"Fine" I said

We all walked over to Mitsuki to ask if he wanted to join us but he was looking out the window lost in thought.

"Yo" I greeted.
He turned towards me,his golden eyes looking into mine. 'Could he look any better?' I thought.
"Yes?" He asked.
Suddenly I couldn't get the words out. I stuttered a lot and made a fool of myself. 'He'll never like me...I'm a mess'

"Ugh moron." I heard Sarada say but I was to embarrassed to say anything back to her.
"You wanna hang out at the park?"Shikadi asked him.

He paused for a moment. Then shook his head. "Sorry... I can't " He said.

"Why?" Sarada asked. Mitsuki dosnt have any one from the Hidden Sound here with him so what could he be doing?

"I'm...Busy" He said. Mitsuki was good at many things,but lieing was not one of them. We all knew he was lieing but diddnt want to say anything as he looked uncomfortable.

Well all of us but one said anything anyway. "Lies" Inojin said with a strait face. "You don't have any family over here. You live alone,well for now, so what could you possibly be doing?" He confronted.

I wanted to tell him to stop and leave him alone but I was also curious about why he had lied. Maby he just diddnt want to hang out today and wanted to go see the dorms?

Mitsuki stayed quiet. "Hey just leave him be" Iwabe said from behind us.
"If he dosnt want to tell you he dosnt have to." He said. Iwabe wouldn't normally stick up for others or say anything or do anything to help them out but he always did for Mitsuki. Only for Mitsuki...'DOES HE LIKE MITSUKI!?' I inwardly shouted. 'N-no way...' I thought anger boiling up inside of me.

Mitsuki stood up and grabbed his bag and started leaving towards the door.
"I'll see you at the dorm then right?" I called out to him and he turned around and gave one of his cute little smiles and nodded and turned back walking out of the room.

'Why does he have to be so cute!?' I thought to myself as I watch Iwabe get hit by Sarada for joining a conversation he wasn't invited to whole Inojin recored the mini fight between the two and Chou Chou ate her snacks. All while Shikadi stood there with a tired face.

Okay that was the first chapter I hope you liked it! I'm not even sure if anyone will read this but oh well. Please comment any other ships beside Borumitsu and I will try to add them in!

Borumitsu "Boruto, I-"Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora