31|episode 6

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"What's up, man!" Jackson screamed into the microphone walking into the auditorium. All the trainees were in this auditorium because Jackson and MCJin wanted to talk to us.

"You woke me up," I screamed back at the older boy who just laughs. "You're so mean."

"You love me," he jokingly said.

"No, I don't," I coldly spoke. He just ignored my comment.

"Firstly, sit down," Jackson told us since we were all standing up. "It isn't this type of class. Just letting everyone relax for a bit. Do we even need to introduce ourselves?"

"I want to do an introduction," MCJin said. "Can I?"

Everyone started screaming saying he should. So MCJin starts to introduce himself by the only way he could, rapping.

"You- no, if you rap like this then what am I supposed to do?" Jackson asked when MCJin finished his little rap-diss-introduction.

Being Jackson, he was very dramatic and pretends to leave.

"Good, get out of here," I told him as he walked by me. Good thing I was sitting in the front between Zeren and Xukun.

"I'm hurt," he playful said and I scoffed smirking a little.

"Don't act hurt when you know it's out of love," I said in Cantonese giving him a finger heart.

"Whoa," MCJin said. "This girl is so multilingual." I gave a cute little smile.

MCJin told us also to relax and have. Jackson added that he knows we've been stressed out so this is time to relax. When Jackson said that MCJin already took off he shoes.

"3, 2 ,1 take off your shoes," Jackson said to us.

The boys next to started to but I said this, "You take off your shoes, you are all dead to me. Nasties." None of them takes off their shoes, but Gui and I death stare at him.

"Today is just, if you have any curiosities, anything you can to ask, you can ask it all," Jackson told us.

"I'll ask first," MCJin said raising his hand. "When you're performing, do you have any habits?"

"When performing, everytime I go onstage, there are a lot of times when I make mistakes or it's embarrassing. Have you guys had really embarrassing siuatiosn before?" I nod my head remembering what happened during my trainee days. "Like forgetting lyrics. How I deal with it? For example, Aite Aite Aite Aite Aite oh lord oh lord I truely feel-," as he said 'feel' he stucked the mic out at us.

I laughed at his movements, a long with other trainees.

"Do you get it?" Jackson asked. "If you yourself aren't flustered, then the audience doesn't know either."

"Well, what is you're wearing an in-ear mic?" Chen Minghao asked.

The was a smart question with a simple answered. All the trainees where acting they were taking it off the whole set but Jackson showed them the right way.

"Oh lord, oh lord I truely-everybody together," Jackson said in the mic like it was a headset. I don't think I've laughed that hard in my life.

After a little joking around, we had a heart to heart conversation with the mentors. Then it was ruined when Jackson started to talk about angles when performing. So you can find the perfect angle you can look perfect. The "good side".

MCJin said comb in English then we said the name in Mandarin. Jackson being extra, he makes MCJin ask him again but this time, MCJin says comb in Cantonese then Jackson said it in Mandarin. We laughed again when MCJin mispronounced a word. I get his troubles. I died mentally again when Jackson becomes a translator for MCJin. I understand the speaking a language you aren't used to, your tones are off and you don't know a lot of words.

I slowly raised my hand to ask a question when MCJin asks what makes us creativity and he picks on me.

"Huang Yuanwei, I wonder about you because you are the only girl," MCJin said pointing at me.

"Well thank you, teacher," I said. "Normally when I get song idea it is out of the blue. When writing a song, I have a huge setup. I'm sure Jackson-ge can agree with me on that. So what inspires me to write songs, is the books I read."

"What books do you read?" MCJin asks,

"Oh um," I said getting shy. "Romance but in ever language I know." I heard some of the boys snicker at the word 'romance'.

"Then I guess, your songs are romance and in multiple languages right?"

"Nope, it's the opposite."

"How so," Jackson asks being curious.

"The pain of the romance makes me write songs with deep lyrics. Like a song I recently wrote on a airplane. And most of the songs I write are in English or Korean."

"Can we hear it?" MCJin asks.

"If it is okay with everyone?"

All the trainees started yelling, "Yes" or "Please."

"Okay, then. Can I get a guitar?" I asked one of the staff members. Walking up to one of them, they handed me a guitar and I thanked them. Making my way to the front center, sitting between MCJin-ge and Jackson-ge. "This is all in English but the basic understanding is your feeling when someone you love leaves."


i'm back with chapter updates after editing :) hope everyone is staying safe during this time!

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