16|episode 4

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"Today is your first group evaluation," PD said into the microphone scaring me.

Yixing started to explain that we have 8 songs for this group evaluation. Which were《Half-Beast Human》,《Dance to the Music》,《The Great Artist》,《Codename Contra》,《Shake》,《PPAP》,《Get Ugly》, and《Can't Stop》. PD continues to explain that we will perform these songs live and it is a competition between two teams. He also explained that there will be an elimination to 61 after this performance. The first person gets to pick who they want in their team. But since Cai Xukun is rank number 1 he got to choose the song first and his teammates.

"I choose . . . PPAP, " said Kun-ge when he walked over underneath the PPAP sign.

"First of all, I chose Huang Yuanwei," he said with his smirk.

"I knew I should've hid from you," I whispered into his ear once I was standing behind me and he chuckled.

"Wang Ziyi, Zhu Zhengting, and Zhou Yanchen," he called. The three of them made their way over to us.

After us, more trainees came down and filled up the songs. We all had a good laugh when one of the trainees didn't know that Shake was Zhang PD's song. PD wished us all well and that was down for that recording.

"Could I take Huang Yuanwei from you guys?" Yixing asked. They nodded and left walking to gods know where.

"What's wrong?" I asked looking at a worrying face worn by PD.

"Eric told us that you released a statement about your siblings."

"Yes, it is better that comes from me than the reporters."

"I'm proud of you, ever since you were little you knew what was the right thing to do at the right moment."

"Thank you PD," I said bowing.

"Hello PD, can I take Huang Yuanwei away from you?" Minghao asked. I didn't realize he was there.

"Of course, be careful," Yixing said leaving me and Minghao.

"I wanted to ask you something," he said shyly. "I was wondering if you-"

Before Minghao could finish the staff members told us we have to start recording again.

"Let's talk later, okay?" I told him. He nods with his cute innocent smile.

I smiled and made my way to my group and then to the practice room.

"What's up Gege," I yelled to my group mates when we sat down.

"Someone is in a good mood. Did something happened?" Zhengting asked me with a smirk.

"Wipe that smirk off your face," I said flashing my innocent smile.

"Damn cute and deadly," Ziyi said shaking his head.

"Let's go back to the thing on task find a leader and center," Xukun said. "Who wants to be the leader?" Once he said that we all look at Zhengting.

"Why is everyone looking at as soon we mention a leader?" He complains.

"Because you are everyone natural mother. Mama Zhengting-ge," I playful said.

"Oh you little child," he said about to hit me but I stop him.

"Before you hit me, we need a leader so who wants it?" None of the boys said anything.

"I think you should go for it," Ziyi told me.

"Oh me? Why?" I asked confused.

"You show great potential in a leader figure. And you have the type of vibe to it, what we don't have," he said motioning to the rest of the guys.

"I agree, does anyone disagree?" Yanchen asked and everyone shook their head. "Then it is settled. Huang Yuangwei is Leader."

"Thank you Geges," I said smiling as Zhengting put the leader sticker on.

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