40|episode 7.1

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"What's up Geges?" I said walking into the practice room.

"Are you even wearing pants?" Xukun asks me and then I realized that I had shorts on.

"Yeah, this is what happens when you were shorts with a long shirt," I complain. "Let's work."

When we were dividing up the parts, we realized that me and Minghao could turn the center part into a deut.

"Geges, I don't know how that's going working," I told them.

"So you and Justin will switch every line or so," Xukun clarifies for me and I thanked him.

"So much pressure, why did you have to win?" I told the boys and they laugh.

"Because you are a great addition to our team," Bu Fan says pulling me into a hug.

We started to practice and learn the lines. It was hard for me at first but I got the hang of it.

"I have an idea," I said causing the boys to stop practicing. "For the stage performance like do something that rappers do all the time but it'll be fun."

"Like what meimei?" Ziyi asked me.

"So whenever it's someone's part look at them and act."

"That's not a bad idea," Xukun said getting my idea. "Are you flexible?"

"What kind of question is that? Of course, I am," I joked, making the boys laugh a little.

"How flexible?"

"How flexible do you need me to be?" I ask raising an eyebrow.

"Flexible enough to do tricks," Xukun said and I understand what he meant.

"Done, easy," I said smiling.

"What just happened," Bu Fan questioned.

"I have no idea," Ziyi added.

"So during the performance, I'm going to do some tricks," I said shrugging my shoulder like it was nothing.

We went to an empty practice room so I could try my tricks without hurting anyone.

When we were on the platform, I'm sitting on the edge at during the beginning until the beat drops. Then I'm joining the guys on the platform and dancing in between Xukun and Minghao. When everyone jumps down when Ziyi's part hits, instead of jumping down. I will be doing a back-walkover side to side then I'll do a front ariel landing on the ground and not on the platform. After the chores, when everyone is back on the platform, Minghao and I are going to be standing in the center looking at each other while rapping then at the audience. When doing this we have to rap into each other mic. During Bu Fan's rap, he wants me to sit on the edge of the platform because it would look better. Other than that, when the boys drop I drop with them but I stay down long because it looks better. Most of the time, I'm doing the same as Minghao.

"It's already late, let's go back to the dorm. I'll wake all of you up tomorrow," Xukun told us and the rest started to leave. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I thinking I pulled a muscle, don't worry about it. But can you help me walk back to my dorm room?" I ask trying to get up.

"Yeah, hop on," he said and so I jumped onto his back.

"Thanks, Dad," I joked as he dropped me in front of my dorm.

"Your welcome daughter, take care please," Xukun says hugging me before walking away.

Walking into the room, I took a hot shower and changed.

[messages - piggy🐷🐽]

Can you come to my room?

Sure, why?

Just come please.

Oka coming!

A minute later, I heard a knock and told the person to come in.

"What's wrong?" Zhengting asks, walking into my room.

"I don't want to worry anyone but I think I pulled a muscle while practicing today and I don't know who else to call."

"How can I help?"

"I need you to help me stretch."

"It's bad for you to stretched with a pulled muscle," Zhengting tries to tell me.

"It's weird, I have to stretch so the muscle becomes unpulled."

After explaining it more, he helps me then left and I thanked him.

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