28|episode 5.3

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"Don't cry, come here," I told the Banana Boys when I got done from the stage. Hugging all of them makes me realize how close I've gotten to a lot of the trainees. "I love all you Trainee18, the ones who made it and the ones who didn't. All of you deserve to be on the stage and I hope your company knows that," I said giving a little smile.

"We know, thank you Meimei. Jiayou," Jingzou told me.

I decided to leave them so they could have their moment with their label mates so I went over to Zhang Yankai.

"Kai-ge," I called for the boy and then I hugged him who I saw him. "I wish you could stay."

"It's okay Meimei, I'm going to be fine. Take care of yourself," he tells me.

"Of course, I'll leave you with the others," I said leaving him with Yanchen, Xiao Gui and Xingjie.

"You okay?" I heard a voice behind me while they wrapped their arms around my waist.

"No," I said turning around crying into his chest.

"What's wrong?" Minghao said while rubbing my back to comfort me.

"I don't want them to leave. I should be the one leaving. I can just go back to my old company and just debut, it hurts knowing some of them this was their only chance to debut," I said crying harder into his chest.

"I know, but a lot of us won't debut after the show. Don't feel bad, you deserve it okay?" I look up at him and nod.

Before I could say anything, I got pulled away from Minghao's grasps. The person who pulled me was PD.

"What the-" I complained when he pulled me into the hallway.

"Look, I know you like Huang Minghao and it's obvious that he likes you. But you know better than anyone that you can't get caught nor date," Yixing said seriously.

"Who said anything about dating?" I questioned raising an eyebrow. "Why should it matter anyway? It's not like I didn't break that rule before," I mumbled.

"Wait what?! With who?" Yixing-ge said getting a little bad.

"Someone from NCT, but I broke it off before the show started. And I swear if I get a text from NCT that you questioned them I'll have your head," I told him.

"Aiyo, you're so young," Yixing complained. "I'm just happy it ended because me and you both know the member could be forced out of NCT."

"I know, but don't worry. I'm not planning on dating soon anyways. I should go." As I walked out back to the main area, I saw Minghao standing there frozen. "D-did you h-hear all o-of that?" He nods. "Please let me explain."

He put his hand up to stop me, "not now. Just not now." He walked away from me and I just stood there, not even trying to run and explain to him.

I felt my heart break like someone stabbed me and twisted the knife. I know I shouldn't feel this way but I can't help it. Just something about Minghao walking away hurts me.

When I reached my dorm room, I collapsed onto my bed and cried.

"Sh, don't wake her," I heard a voice say.

"You're not helping," another says.

"Shut up," I snapped.

"What's wrong?" Xinchun asks me kneeling at the side of my bed.

"Nothing, just leave please," I begged the boys who were in my room.

"Okay, there is food on the desk, you missed dinner," Xinchun said getting up but after he kissed me on my cheek.

The three boys left my room and so I went to the bathroom. Looking at the mirror, I have tear stains on my face.

"Why does it hurt when you leave? Why Huang Minghao," I muttered while washing my face.

Then I felt something I knew I hated.

"Ah crap," I mumbled realizing that my period knows how to be annoying. Girl problems.

I do all the things I need to do when I'm on my period so I decided to change into sweats and a cropped. So I can dance because if I don't my cramps will be twice as bad. As I was walking out, I got a phone call from Kunnie.

"Oppa?" I said answering the call.

"Why are you crying? What's wrong?" Kunasks with concern.

"I'm going to say this in Korean. Anyways, you know how me and you know dated? Well, I might've said I dated someone and Yixing-oppa asked who. I didn't give him the name but later on I says I wouldn't date anyone anyways. And-"

"Let me guess," Kun-oppa interrupted me. "The boys that you were kissing heard you."

"Yeah, he walked away and I didn't run after him. It's like he dug a knife into my heart," I said on the brink of tears. It was already weird that I was alone in a practice room calling someone.

"You like him don't you?"

"I mean it's a different feeling from what I had with my ex, so I guess," I said remembering my relationship with Chenle. We were both young and naive. "I love you Oppa, but I should go. Tell Oppas, I love them."

I ended the call and started playing music to dance too.

{COMPLETE} 100 Trainees - IDOL PRODUCERHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin