48|episode 8

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Today we start recording again, but it's has been a twist. Since PD isn't here, the staff wanted me to take over since I am still on 'doctor's orders'.

"Hello everyone," I say into the mic causing the trainees to stop talking and stare me like they've seen a ghost. "Are you guys okay?"

"We've been worry sick," Qin Fen shouted causing me to smile.

"I'm fine don't worry. But since out Zhang PD is out, I am going to tell you what is happening and since I can't practice either," I told the boys as they nod. "Firstly, our Zhang PD sends his regrets for not being here to tell you what's happening. It's okay though, you have your yellow flower (a pun to her real name) here to save you." I did a cute little pose to show I'm better than PD as a joke. "As we all know, only 9 will debut but by the support of the Citizen Producers. Speaking of Citizen Producers, they have picked which song you will be doing next."

"Really?" I heard a lot of trainees ask.

"Yes, but only 35 of us will perform," I say causing a lot of confusion. "We will have cuts half-way through practice, then through those cuts readjustments will be made so all the teams." I paused causing the trainees to get antsy. "Now, I will announce the fourth mission with the help of a special guest. Please clap your hands for Huang Chengwei."

On cue, my brother walks in holding some cards and a mic. The trainees screamed because they love me brother, I mean who wouldn't?

"Hello everyone, I am Huang Chengwei. Please to meet you. Our Huang Yuanwei have done such a great job so far," he says reading over the cards. "For the fourth mission is concept evaluation."

"In the last mission, we did what we liked," I said starting to read my cards. "Now we are learning our own personal styles."

"Since we are getting closer to the end, each group has its only style. Does a style belong to you?" Chengwei asks causing a lot of mutters.

"There are five new songs, all different themes, and styles. Within them, there will be one suitable for you. Most importantly, these songs have been tailored especially for you by top music produces from China and aboard. These songs completely belong to you since you will be the original singers," I say, a lot of the trainees started to clap.

"The 61 trainees in this room will be divided up into 5 groups, 12 people per team. With one having them having 13 members. But only 7 will go onto the stage after cuts," my brother started and I finished.

"This time, we won't choose which songs we will do. It has been chosen for us," I paused causing some reactions from the trainees. "Citizen Producers throughout a period of time have voted on which song fits us the best. Did they make the right choice? Let's find out," I say with a smile on my face.

"Before we get onto which song you received. The team that wins will receive," Chengwei paused making the trainees groan. "An added 500,000 votes, but it isn't equally divided into the members."

"That's right, the member with the most votes will receive 200,000 added votes while the rest will each get 50,000 added votes. Totaling to 500,000 added votes."

"Because of this, the team will have to work hard together so will the individual trainees will too, so perform well."

"Now, let's introduce the five new songs."

"But first let thank the dancers and choreographers at 520 - 143 Academy for helping us at Idol Produce with this evaluation," my brother says smirking. "But especially the head of the academy for allowing this, so let's all thank our Huang Yuanwei." The confused trainees clap as they try to process what they heard.

"No need to thank me, we should thank Idol Produce for the opportunity," I say smiling. They reached out a long time again for this and I personally made sure the dancers to okay.

As the videos were playing, Chengwei got me a chair since he still knows my ankle is not fully healed.

"So which one would you like to do?" I asked the boys as they shouted their answers. "Let's see if the Citizen Producers feel the same."

"We are going to start with Cai Xukun," my brother stays handing him an envelope.

This continued until it was my turn. I'm pretty sure, I probably got 《Dream》 or 《Listen To What I Have To Say》 because of it first the style I've been doing on the show, but I want to do I Will Always Remember. I haven't done any really vocal songs since I got here.

{COMPLETE} 100 Trainees - IDOL PRODUCERWhere stories live. Discover now