66|episode 11.3

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It was time for the live show and I felt so tired. I stayed up until 5 am writing lyrics after practice at the label.

"Huang Yuanwei," my stylist says handing me my outfit for the first performance.

Then after I change, she did my make-up which was simple so we didn't have to change a lot from 24K to Zero. When I finished, I got my hair down, me and Chenxiao agreed to do loose curls for 24k. And when I quickly change in between performances, I'll have my hair into a ponytail.

"Hey, you good?" Minghao asks me and I shook my head.

"I didn't sleep, maybe I did an hour nap. It has been a non-stop grind," I say yawning.

"Here," he says patting his shoulder. "Lay your head on my shoulder and take a nap, I'll wake you up when we start our performance."

"Thank you," I say laying my head on his shoulder and my eyes slowly closed.

"Babe? Baby? Wake up," someone says shaking me up.

"Huh? What's happening?" I asked after awake.

"We are about to go on," Minghao says standing up and I followed him.

"Looks who finally woke up," Zeren teased and I fake smiled.

No one knew how tired I was but Minghao. When PD called us, we made our way to the stage and I helped Cheng Xiao with her crutches.

"Hello, we are," Cheng Xiao started.

"Comic line," we said together, smiling and bowing.

"Hello everyone, I am Cheng Xiao but due to my injury, trainee Huang Yuanwei will be dancing my part while I will be singing on the side," the older girl explains next to me.

"Hello everyone, I am your yellow flower, Huang Yuanwei," I said bowing. "I hope I can live up to your expectations."

After we self introduce ourselves, we started the performance.

When we were finished, we had a lot of cheers. Especially when I "fell" off the platform into a backbend-walkover.

"We will like to thank Huang Yuanwei for helping out Teacher Cheng Xiao's team," PD started. "But since you have your own performance to get ready for, you may go."

I bid my goodbyes and ran to the stylist and hairstylist. Luckily for me, I change really fast, the only thing that took long was my hair.

"Huang Yuanwei, you needed up on stage," a staff member to me.

"Done, go," Chengxiao says, shooing me out of the room.

I ran all the way back on the stage to find my team who already introduced themselves.

"It's nice to see you again," Li Ronghao tells me, I smile.

"It's good to be back," I say panting.

"Please introduce do yourself."

"Hello everyone, I am your yellow fat mantis, Huang Yuanwei," I say bowing and waving to the fans.

"Good luck and have fun," PD told us before him and Li Ronghao left the stage.

We all made our way to our spot and let's say I had fun. I forgot how tired I originally was.

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