27|episode 5.2

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I was the last one to show a "pose." So I went to the center stage and made a heart with my arms over my head. When I did that I did a wink then I hear Zhengting yell, "Don't try. She's taken." Feeling the heat rush to my face, I quickly got off the stage and sat next to Zhengting. When I got there, I smacked him so hard in the arm.

"You little Pig," I snickered.

"Like it isn't true," Zhengting said back.

I couldn't say anything back, I was in shock. Somehow got pulled back to reality when Cai Xukun was asking if anyone got chapstick.

"Hey Dad," I said which caused Xukun to turn back and look at me. "Here." I tossed him my chapstick.

"Thanks, daughter," he says throwing it back to me after using it.

The other trainees looked at like we were insane, but truthfully Xukun became my big brother. In which I can him dad and he calls me daughter.

"I heard someone's lips were chapped, "PD said walking talking on the microphone. "Here is mine." He gave his chapstick to Cai Xukun and then everyone started saying their lips with chap.

After a little introduction, PD started to call names.

"We will start with 60 and leave 61 to he called last," he told us.

I think I cried so much. BangBang made it at rank 59 and I was such a proud mother, he was one of the trainees I adopted because he is adorable. I may be the youngest, but I'm a mother.

When Xinchun's name got called I screamed, "That's my best friend."

When he gave his speech he told me that he'll be waiting for me which I smiled at him praying for me to be with him. Yanjun got called up and when he gave his speech, of course, he winked at me so I winked back and I laughed at his reaction.

"Yanchenie-ge!" I scream making even PD laugh.

"Yanchenie?" PD asked me while looking at Yanchen.

"It's a nickname I gave him a long time ago," I said.

Yanchen gave his speech and he also hoped I would be up there with me. By the time we reached the top ten, I was almost out of tears. but when Zhengting, Minghao, and ChengCheng's name got called and then and there I cried so much.

"Stop crying Yuanwei, I'll be waiting," Minghao said before he went up to his seat.

"That's my dad," I screamed bursting into tears when Cai Xukun got called to be ranked one.

"Now what we all dreaded, rank 61," PD stated. "The trainee surprised all of us, during the audition, evaluation, and the live performance." He looks around but stops at my eyes. "This trainee is someone we all love, especially a certain someone." I quickly blush knowing he was probably talking about. "During their performance, we saw a different side of the trainee. Do you think who it is?"

Everyone saying names, but PD interrupted him. "I want to ask Huang Minghao who he thinks it is?"

All the trainees' gaze when to him. "I-I think, Huang Yuanwei?" He said uncertainly.

"What do you have to say about that Huang Yuanwei?" PD asks me as I feel many eyes on me. One of the staff members hands me a mic.

"Actually come up here and say it," PD told me before I could speak.

I do as what he says and make my way to center stage and spoke.

"I hope one of my gege gets it instead, honestly. They've worked hard for this chance so jiayou geges!" I said into the microphone. "Where ever we are at, all of you have taught me so much. Thank you!"

"Look at our youngest having so much perseverance. Now," PD said becoming so seriously so I walked back to my seat. "Wait where are you going?"

"To me seat," I told PD who stopped me.

"Come up back up here," he said. "Individual Trainee, Huang Yuanwei. Rank 61. Congratulations!"

I broke down crying, this was a moment I will cherish forever. Calming down a bit I walked to the center of the stage and gave my speech.

"Today, so many of you that I've gotten close too are leaving. But do not take that as a defeat. Make this only makes you work hard, persevere. I will be your #1 fan once all of you debut. Whether if it is in a year or the next ten. Geges, please don't give up on a dream that you've been dreaming. But also please give me tickets to your concerts, I'll scream the loudest," I jokingly said the last part. "But please, when you go back to your respective companies, contact me. You all have my SNS, I'm cheering for all of you. I love you Geges!" I think I lost my voice screaming the last part.

I couldn't be happy that I made it, but I'm going to miss all my Geges who didn't.

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