17|episode 4.1

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"I'm so sorry," Kun said once we watched the video of PPAP.

"What is with the cute concepts?" Zhengting asked.

"It could be worse, the cuteness can be easily fake," I said. "Just innocently smile and have fun like a little kid."

"That is easier said than done," Yanchen said.

"You got to try," I said with my big smile. "Plus you have me." I acted cutely.

"Aw my child is so precious," Ting-ge said.

I hugged him. "Thank you, MaMa Ting." I just hear him chuckle. "But let's try okay? Starting off easy, diving up the parts."

"I'll take the dance part if everyone's okay with that," Yanchen-ge said. We all nodded our heads

"I think Ziyi-ge should have the rap part since Xukun-ge is already center and should get the main vocal part," I said. "Everyone okay with that?" They nodded in agreement. "Great, I'll then take vocal 3 and Zhengting-ge can tale vocal 2."

"I don't have a problem with that," he said.

"Great, now let me teach how to be cute," I said getting up from my spot in between Zhengting-ge and Yanchen-ge.

I asked a staff member if we could watch Peppa Pig and they agreed because it would be "good content for the show."

"Are all of you ready to watch something cute?" I asked the guys and they nod their heads. "Well welcome to Huang Yuanwei's Cuteness class. Today we are watching . . . Peppa Pig." I turned on the TV with the boys groaning.

"Come on, please don't make us watch this," Ziyi-ge complains.

"Hey, what's wrong with Peppa Pig? It is Zhu Zhengting-ge show," I said making a pun with his name.

"Oh Huang Yuanwei you are so dead," he said running after me.

I ran out of the room and down the hall to an open door. It was the《Can't Stop》room. Making a quick decision I ran into the room but none of the boys were practicing so I ran over to Minghao and hid behind him.

"Mingaho help me," I screamed running towards him. "Zhengting-ge is coming for me." He just laughs.

"You are so dead for Huang Yuanwei," Ting-ge said coming at me but ChengCheng-ge stopped him and I stuck my tongue out at him.

"What's happened?" ChengCheng-ge asked.

"So I made a pun with Ting-ge's name," I said innocently.

"Did she do the pig one?" Minghao asked and I nod quickly. "That's why." He slung his arm over me.

"But we should back to practice. Peppa Pig is waiting," I said smiling. All the boys of《Can't Stop》stared at me. "Xukun-ge made a bad choice in choosing this song and we have to act cute. For me it easy." I did some cute poses making the boys laugh. "The others, on the other hand, don't know how to act cute."

"I'm old," Ting-ge complains.

"Yeah and I'm young. Suck it up and let's go," I said grabbing Ting-ge hand. "Bye." I dragged him back to the practice room to find the boys actually watching Peppa Pig.

I said down and Ting-ge being him laid on my legs while we watched. After we started practicing.

"Please, it's just a part of the dance. Please," I said cutely begging. Zhengting-ge and Yanchen-ge don't want to do a hand hug. "Please Gege." They stared at each other and gave in to me. "Thank you." I pulled bother of the tall guys into a hug.

After that, we kept on practicing the dance because making it cute is the hardest part of it. It was already 11 at night so being the leader I am I told the guys to go to bed.

"I'll wake all of you up around 7 tomorrow morning," I told them.

"Thank you," Yanchen-ge said leaving first and the guys followed one by one.

"Aren't you going to leave?" Ting-ge asked.

"No, not really. Eric is out and I don't want to be alone. So I think I might work on the dance," I said.

"If you're scared come sleep in our room. We have an extra bed," he offered.

"You sure? I don't want to intrude."

"It's fine. Come on. You already overworked yourself."

"Okay, can we stop by my room first?" He nods.

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