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Walking into the interview room I was scared. I really don't know why I am here. My friends somehow convinced me to audition for this show. All I know was that I was one of five hundred girls to compete for this spot. I also know that this is the Chinese version of Produce 101.

"Hello," I said bowing down. My mother always told me to be polite.

"Hello, Huang Yuanwei," the women on the other side of the desk in the middle of this white wall room said. "I'm one of the staff interviewing you today. How are you?"

"I'm good." It wasn't a lie but wasn't the full truth, I'm nervous.

"Tell me why you want to be on this show."

"I was told to do it, my friends and my dance academy thought it would be a great opportunity. I know I'm going into this as someone without a company but I'm here to show what I have. This is the chance to branch away from the others in my family." I wanted this to be my thing. Not someone's little sister.

Ever since Meinu left to a company to follow her dreams and Chengwei followed her, I've been on my own path. Focusing more on dance. I mean I took singing and rapping classes here and there.

We've been through a lot, me and my family. My siblings and everyone else tries to keep me out of the public eye. We all believed it was better to try to keep me out of the public eye to have a "normal" childhood. I'm turning 17 and nothing is normal. I have famous siblings and a well-known father.

"You mean from your father and your siblings. Yes, I know who you really are."

I was in shock. "Please don't tell anyone." When people find out that my family is famous, they become fake. "And yes, I want to branch away from my father and my siblings."

"It's not my place to tell. If you are the final 9, what would you do?"

"I would like to inspire others to go out of the comfort zone and do the impossible. Like I am doing now." I gave a smile.

"Well thank you for the information. You are free to go."

I bid my goodbyes and walked out of the room, then the building. There was a car waiting for me outside the building. I rolled my eyes, this was my father's doing.

"Nice to see you, Eric," I said to one of my "bodyguards".

He really isn't a bodyguard, he just watches me and made sure I'm not in the media. I'm not even allowed to follow my siblings on any social media platforms.

"How was the audition or was it more an interview?" He asked driving away to the airport.

"I mean I sent in me dancing and singing beforehand, it was more an interview I suppose."

"Well, I hope you make it in."

"Thanks, I hoped I do too."

Next Week

"Hello," I said answering a call to an unknown number.

"Is this Huang Yuanwei?" The person on the other line asked.

"Yes this is, what is this about?"

"I would like you to congratulate you on your acceptance into the survival program, Idol Producer."

"Oh my god, thank you so much." I was over filled with joy. 

"No, thank you for your audition and interview good luck! I will email you all the instructions. See you in two weeks."

The call ended and I was freaking out. I quickly facetimed me and my sibling's group chat.

I explained to them what just happened and they were excited for me. They were always giving me tips and tricks and today was no new day.

"And also MeiMei, I love you. You will do big things with this show," my brother told me before he left the call.

"And from me MeiMei. I love you so much. Ever since I could remember dance was your passions. Believe in yourself. I'm always here for you. Call me if you need me," my sister said.

I felt tears running down my face. I love my siblings so much for all their words and how they protect me but now I'm on my own and it scares me.

"Thank you, I love you for everything you have done for me Jiejie. I need to go and practice," I said in between tears.

"Don't cry Meimei, you will do great. Jia you!"

I ended the call crying some more. Ever since my mother passed away, Meinu-jie has been a second mother to me.

After my crying and sad thought process. I started practicing for the show, only two weeks.

Two Weeks Later

"Eric, I'll be fine," I say trying to convince him I'll be fine in the hotel room.

"Well you know why I'm here, so I have to stay," he replies sitting down on the desk chair.

"Fine, whatever Ge. I'm going to shower. That flight was too long." The flight was 2 hours but everyone was sneezing since it is winter.

When I got out and Eric was still sitting there. It was almost 6 because I wanted to go out shopping before we went to the hotel. Now I wish we came back from the airport to the hotel first.

"You hungry?" Eric asks not looking up from his phone. Knowing him it's either because he is playing a game or giving updates to my father.

"Yeah." I was hungry. I haven't really eaten since this morning. I guess the nervous are present.

"Then I'm going to take a shower. Figure what you want to eat." He got up from his chair grabbed some clothes from his suitcase and went to take a shower.

Eric knows I take forever to choose what I want. I don't know if I wanted dumplings or chow mein. Both are good to me and I don't know which to get.

"Are you done choosing yet?" Eric said walking out shirtless ten minutes later.

"I think." I was unfazed but it. Eric is like an older brother to me. "Chow mian?"

"I'll pick it up, order it now."

I do what he says and twenty minutes later Eric comes back with food. After we finish eating, I told him I'm going to sleep because knowing myself I can't sleep when I'm nervous, but I'm going to try to sleep. I need to get up early anyway.

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