23|extra 1

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a long chapter (1800 plus words) because i don't know if i should put it in ep 4 or ep 5 so i just made it as an "extra"

also in the third person because why not?

"Are you tired?" Zhengting asked Hua as she yawned while her head was laying on his shoulder.

"Yeah, Eric was out last night and I couldn't sleep," Hua said resting her eyes.

As she was about to sleep, someone said something on the microphone. It was both Zhou Jieqiong and Cheng Xiao. They told the trainees that they were working hard, so they are going to have some fun.

"Two times speed?" Hua questioned the two mentors and they nodded.

Hua hasn't been doing too good. She has been skipping meals to practice for the live show. It was destroying her mental and physical. No one could really tell that she lost a lot of weight unless you hugged her. Eric was never around enough to noticed and she spent more of her time practicing or writing songs.

"Yes and we have a prize after," Cheng Xiao said.

"Hotpot," You Zhangjing said and the trainees laughed.

"The winner gets to choose, so let's begin," Jieqiong said.

Soon after it was Hua's team's turn and being the dancer she is, she did it with no problem. The only thing she was that she was out of breath

"Meanie," I muttered.

"I am so impressed with our youngest trainee," Cheng Xiao said.

"Thank you," she said bowing and smiling.

Then it was the final with Hua and two other trainees.

"What would you like if we win?" One of the dance teachers asked.

"Hotpot!" Zhengjing screamed.

They all laughed at him but the two teachers look at the staff for approval and they nodded.

"We should get our phones back too," Hua said surprising herself with her confidence.

"Please," all the trainees started begging the staff member and he gave a nod.

"How about we start the game?"

When the game finished it was clear to say Hua won despite being in poor condition. Everyone cheered for her as everyone got their phones and other electronics back. Making her way down the hall, she was surprised that her phone still had batteries and realized that she had a lot of miss calls and text from a lot of people.

"Hey, Eric," Hua said walking into her room to get ready for hotpot tonight. "We got our phones and electronics back."

"Thank goodness, but if I have to pick up another angry Lucas, I'm going to throw my phone at the wall," Eric said with a chuckle on the call.

Then her eyes widen as she realized she didn't tell him that she was on the show. She quickly ended the call between her and Eric to call Xiao Huang.

"Hello?" someone said on the other line in Korean.

"It's Lucas-oppa, it's me," Hua loudly said into the phone.

"What the actually-I've been trying to call you but you never answer then I called Eric-hyung and he-"

"Chill, I'm so sorry. I'm doing this show and they took our phones. I just got it back," she said interrupting him.

"Lucas who are you talking too?" someone asked.

{COMPLETE} 100 Trainees - IDOL PRODUCERWhere stories live. Discover now