56|epsiode 9.2

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Today is the live performance, I'm so scared truthfully. This is the first time I'm showing vocals on the live stage. Fixing my outfit only makes me more nervous.

 Fixing my outfit only makes me more nervous

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"Hey, stop it. You'll do great," Han Mubo told me which brought a smile to me face.

He has been taking care of me when Cai Xukun or Zhu Zhengting isn't. They are all older brothers to me.

"Let's introduce 《I Will Always Remember》," PD says as the 7 of us walked on stage.

Han Mubo counted us to bow and You Zhangjing counted us to sing. Then we finally introduced ourselves as 'Don't Forget'. I was last to self-introduce myself.

"Hello everyone," I say bowing. "I am your yellow flower, Huang Yuanwei."

"So this is out Yuanwei's first time singing on stage and a love song, right?" PD says as he reads the card he holds.

"This is the very first time," I say with a smile on my face.

"Will you bring something different?"

"Originally, I have loved this song. It was hard at first but the more and more I've practiced, I realized this song was and is my current feelings." When I said that, I regretted it but I still continue. "And because of that, I will always remember Citizen Producers. They push me forward and I will always remember this."

"Next up, the stage is yours," PD told us. We bowed and when to our places to wait for the music.

(Yuanwei did Ziyi's part)

"Thank you for doing such a beautiful performance," PD said after we finished performaning. "It is now time for your individual self-promoting time."

You Zhangjing was first and I was last.

"Hello everyone," I say bowing. "I am your yellow flower, Huang Yuanwei. I hope everyone is pleased. So I hope everyone saw a new side of me and that side brings us closer so let's never forget because I will always remember." I gave a finger heart and everyone screams making me smile.

PD told us to go back stage and take a break and that's what I did. I sat with Xukun out of habit.

"Hey, Yuanwei can I talk to you?" Minghao asks standing in front of me. Xukun was going to stop me but I shake my head.

"Sure," I say getting up to follow him to a private area.

"I don't know how to say this," Minghao says sighing. "I still love you."

"Minghao I-"

"Listen to me first," he asks and I nod. "It took all 6 of my geges and Kun-ge to make me realize it. I was so mad at you for breaking up with me, I let me emotions get in the way of you explaining. When Zhengting-ge told me your side of the story, I knew I've messed up. I wanted to apologize but I didn't know how to or had the guts. If you don't want me back that's fine, I just want to see you smile again."

"It's honestly, this is my fault," I say holding back my tears. "I never told you the truth about Chenle when I should've or the fact that Shane is my gay cousin. I was too scared to talk to you about my feeling but I guess now or never. I still love you and probably always will, but even if your CEO says yes. This might not work. I want you to be happy, with or with out me."

"I'm most happy with you, so please be mine again. I don't want to lose you," Minghao says pulling me into a hug.

I would be lying if I say I didn't miss this because I did.

"Okay," I mumbled into the older boy's chest.

"So you're taking me back?" Minghao asks pulling away, I nod.

"I never wanted to break up in the first place," I explained.

"Well good because I don't want to lose you ever again," he says kissing my lips.

Taken back a little, I kiss backed but more passionate.

"We should go before the others get any ideas," the old boy says as he intertwined our hands.

"Hey, what took- oh I see," Xukun says when we went back to the room. "Zhu Zhengting-ge, you owe me."

"I wish I said today, dammit," Zhengting says walking over to us. "I'm just happy my favorite two are back together."

"Wait a minute (skrtskrt), did you guys bet on when we will get back together," I sternly ask the two boys and they nod. "I-I don't even know what to say."

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