My Small Protector

Start from the beginning

"Yes sweetie," the woman leaned to her boy's eye level.

"Can I have a glass of water?"

"Of course little bud," Donnie reached for a clean glass and turned the tap on to fill the cup.

"Thank you daddy!" he kissed his cheek, grinning widely before he skipped back into the living room and in front of the TV surrounded by his toys with the glass of water in hand.

"Oh, he's too cute," (Y/N)'s heart nearly melted.

"He's got your cuteness," Pierce had the softest grin on his face as he pulled her towards him, cupping her cheek, "I love you," a relieved sigh escaped her lips.

The woman gave a shy laugh, hiding her blush in his chest before looking back up at him.

"I love you too," she pecked his lips.

"You still get giddy when I tell you that?" he kissed along her cheekbone?

"Well yeah? Why is it so bad?"

"Because we've been married 6 years?" a laugh rumbled in his throat as she became red with embarrassment.

"I'm aloud to feel the same way I did when we first started dating," she expressed through flushed cheeks.

"Please don't stop on my account, you make me fall even more in love with you," he hugged her tightly, adoring how much he enjoyed his life with her and their son.

"Come on my giant softie, teach me before you make my heart melt," her hand gripped his as they returned their attention to the counter.


"Don't stop stirring!" He nudged her.

"I'm trying okay, my arm is tired, why don't you do anything huh? Do it since you have so much muscle Lazy boy" she slapped his chest.

"Yes ma'am," he snorted, getting in her place as soon as she made space for him. Wriggling her arm, her eyes stayed on him as he effortlessly blended the liquid mixture with the flour.

"Are you showing off?" she scrunched her nose in amusement.

"Why would I show off? I have you already," he chuckled.

"Fuck off!" her fingers pinched his side as she laughed in disbelief.

"I'm nearly finished with this, do you have the chocolate chips?" the woman hummed in affirmation, opening the packet as Donald scooped a tiny piece of dough with a spoon to taste it.

"Mmh, delicious," he complimented but only received some crunching noises in response, "what-" his sentence stopped abruptly as his blue eyes locked on her.

"Seriously? Stop eating the chocolate chips, we're supposed to put them in the cookies!" he snatched the packet out of her hands and shook it into the bowl.

"Hey!!" she pouted, glaring at him as he mixed the bowl.

"Come on cutie pie, help me put them in batches,"

"No!!" she threw a bit of flour on him which took him completely by surprise. A challenging grin tore on his face as he wiped off the flour that was poorly aimed at his neck and chest.

"Oh, you asked for it!" he took some flour and threw it at her face.

"Aaah!" she screeched, ducking under him to get away but he managed to grasp her waist and, before she knew it, he pushed her to the floor and pinned her down to him.

"Donnie!" she squirmed.

"Donnine what hmm? Admit defeat!"

"No!" she murmured, thrashing as she could. Pierce smirked widely before kissing her deeply. Despite her protests, she couldn't resist the kiss and found herself returning it.

"Mmh," he purred, cupping her floured cheek and deepening the kiss until he felt a soft object being thrown at his face. The cyborg pulled away swiftly, "hey-"

"Get off mommy!" the small boy pouted, punching his cheek.

"Owie little guy," he frowned, pulling his son against his chest and in his lap.

"Baby, why would you hurt daddy?" (Y/N) cooed at the pouting boy.

"Because he hurt you,"

"No I didn't hurt her bud,"

"He didn't,"

"Well, I'm sowwy, I thought daddy was hurting you and he always tells me to 'look after you' when he goes to work," the boy tried to reason in his mind, but it seemed too confusing to him the more he thought about it.

"It's okay baby, I'm proud of you for doing a good job at protecting your mamma," Donald grinned at his son as his expression morphed from a disappointed to a happy one.

"Thank you daddy!" he hugged his neck tightly before letting go, "Are you guys nearly finished? I wanna watch the screen with you,"

"We'll be there in a moment sweetheart, just need to finish these cookies."

"COOKIES!!!" he squealed.

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