Chapter 49

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I woke up to an empty bed. The outline of Kili's body is still visible and I trace the rumpled sheets with my fingers, chasing the lingering warmth which still clings to the fabric. My heart starts to beat painfully hard in my chest as I remembered what happened yesterday. Maybe it was just a dream. A painfully romantic dream...

The door creaked open and I tensed before seeing Dís closing the door behind her, grinning at me as her hands hold a tray full of breakfast. "I didn't want to wake you, my dear." Dís explains as she sets the tray down on the bed. "We have a lot of work and explanations to do today. I hope you are ready."

"No, I'm not... But I have to." I mumbled and Dís gave me a concerned smile. The food disappears in short order and I watch Dís neatly stack the plates on the tray before sitting next to me. "Was it Kili or Fili?" I widened my eyes and looked down my body, I was covered in hickeys and love bites, my cheeks flushed in embarrasment. "I-I... Uhmmm, I don't--!" She shushed me. "I know, this is hard to believe, and even respect." I pursed my lips and looked at Dís in silent acknowledgment, even though I already knew this, it's still different to hear it aloud.

"But? What are you trying to tell me?" I whispered as my hands tighten in the sheets, and suddenly Dís' expression changed, it didn't seem a bad one, but it didn't look good either. "We are family and nothing will ever change that, but who knows..." Dís closes her eyes and gets up. I hesitate before speaking the thought which has lingered in my mind. "Wait Dís! What do you mean by that?" I ask and her eyes snapped open and stared at me. "Oh (Y/N). May Aulë save you. Don't be late for lunch!"

"O-Okay...?" I murmured as I watched her step out of my chambers, sighing deeply in frustration. Is it something important? Should it matter? Maybe I should ask Fili about it, and I should go see him after discovering the horrible truth, but I'm afraid he'll do something worse than Kili. It's Fili who has protected and defended me throughout this trip, and I am worried about our future. Does he still want me to stay?

"Oh my god what am I going to do?" I whispered to myself, getting up from the bed and putting on a white long dress. The sun finally smiled down at me, I was happy they gave me this room and I could see Dale and the mountains, it's gorgeous and heartwarming and I think this is some kind of reward, better knowing the truth than living with a lie for the rest of my days, or at least till Sauron is dead. A soft sigh falls from my lips as I think about that, the future awaits me. And I must be strong.

When I finally drag myself out of the room my heart immediately regrets it, pushing my back against the door as I slide down. I can't leave. And I thought about it, I thought about escaping, running until I was firmly back in my grandma's embrace, running back to where I never should have left. I can't do it. The second I think about separating myself from them bright pain blazes through my body and a thin whimper escapes through my clenched teeth. I can't bear to be parted from the Durins, not anymore, not when they are alive, besides, no matter where I run, I will always hear those damning words.

They are your family.

I heard someone coughing, and I looked up to see Thorin standing beside the door, his arms folded as he looks out at the world from underneath hawklike eyebrows. I freeze and my lips curled back from my teeth as Thorin gazed severely at me. "G-Good morning, your majesty." I murmured and his expression changed. "We are family, you do not need to calm me that." Thorin says, shifting ever so slightly to block my path, but I know I wouldn't go anywhere. "I-I know, I'm just... Y-You are making me nervous." Thorin suddenly gives me one of his rare smiles, and sits next to me. "You know I will not hurt you, I will never do it, men daor."

"I know that Thorin... I never knew anything about this." He holds my hand. "Your tears told me that. But even if I knew, I would still be enamored by you." There's no room for argument in those steely blue eyes, nor does the grip loosen. "Thorin..."

𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝𝐬 𝐀𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 | 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐛𝐛𝐢𝐭Where stories live. Discover now