Chapter 2

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// No POV //

A small tear falls down your face as you are being carried away by the orcs, the house is left destroyed, but you wished that the books and the key were safe where you left them... Wishing that your grandmother would never discover what you have done. Wondering if this would have still happened if you didn't know anything.

Gandalf came back from a long journey towards your world to give you the news of the adventure, only to feel your light falling into the darkness of despair, fading faster than a butterfly trapped on cobwebs, waiting for its destiny. His face fell, he had promised to protect your bloodline until their final days, and the only thing he was feeling right now was disappointment in himself for leaving you alone.

Gandalf wandered the woods to finally find the orcs carrying you away to Middle Earth and in an impulsive act, he unleashed his powerful magic to save you from the orcs of Mordor, his magic lighted up the skies as the strong winds lifted the orcs away, making you fall on the ground unconscious. Confirming that you were okay physically, the wizard took you back to the house and lay you down on your bed, carefully leaving you there with his staff lighting you and safely healing you.

// Reader's POV //

'Lay down your head and I'll sing you a lullaby,

Back to the years of loo-li lai-lay,

And I'll sing you to sleep and I'll sing you tomorrow,

Bless you with love for the road that you go...'

I remember that song, she always sung it to me when I was a baby, but she disappeared, she never came back, and no one ever sang me that song as she did. I remember the nightmares of the neverending nights that she wasn't with me, but the memories are so blurry now. Why are they so blurry..?

I open my eyes slowly and looked around still feeling my head tingle. I was back in my room, safe and sound, was everything a dream? I saw light next to me and looked at a staff, was it from Gandalf? Then I remembered. "The books!!" I fell on the floor while trying to get up from the bed. "Ouch!!" The door opened to reveal Gandalf. "Be careful, you received a hard smack in your head, do not force yourself." He helped me up while I rubbed my back and butt, and sat me on the bed. He came back, after all, I can't believe I was so rude to him and I didn't have any reason for it.

"Gandalf... I'm sorry for being so rude..." He nods and smiles at me. "I understand how your world works, no magic, no races, you treat the dwarves as men too. That is interesting... And shocking too." I smile brightly at his comment, I didn't think that he would be such a cheerful old man. "Do not worry about the books, they are safe right where you left them." I relaxed, but about does creatures that just destroyed my house...

"What about does... Things...?" Gandalf sighed. "Orcs. I did know that someone must have followed me, but I didn't know that the Orcs of Mordor had an interest in you, (Y/N)." He paused as I looked at him, he looked a bit stressed? No. Maybe afraid or even confused. "You came a little bit late." I tried to cheer him up, he made a playful expression. " A wizard is never late, (Y/N) (L/N). Nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to."

"Sureeeeeeee, Gandalf. Sure." I laugh as he smiles playfully. "You do look like your ancestors from Middle Earth, all in the same body." I look down as I start thinking about Middle Earth. "I read the book, but how is this world and Middle Earth connected?" Gandalf sighed as he gave me a bowl of soup.

"Long ago, in the First Age, there was a Queen named Vána, who was responsible for the preserving of the youth, and another Queen named Nienna, who was responsible for mercy and grief. Around the Year 71, Nienna mourned the punishment of men, who were doomed to live shorter lifespans than elves and dwarves, letting death decide to take them or not, Nienna pitied the suffering of men, later hoping that it could be undone. Nienna mourned day and night and Vána, with the help of her love for nature, made her a gift, a man-made out of nature. Nienna, who appreciated the gift, asked the Ever-Young to make her more presents, and so Vána created millions of nature made men just for her, creating another world that was beyond Middle Earth, everyone was equal and made from hope, everything that Nienna had ever wish--"

Gandalf stopped as he heard me eating a chocolate bar. I cough in awkwardness and stopped eating. "Please continue." Gandalf coughed and resumed his story.

"Everything that Nienna had ever wished, life, equality and of course, her hope. But she couldn't give life on her own, so she started crying again, day and night. Ilúvatar heard her weeping and mourns, he heard the queen wishing every night that the cave where her men were created could lead to something wonderful, to some an escape, to others, an adventure. Ilúvatar, who pitied her sadness, agreed to give them life, but on one condition: Every 40 decades, those men had to be engaged to one member of their family, to keep their lineage pure as the compassion that Nienna had for men. Keeping them hidden from Middle Earth until the Year 203, when an elf discovered the secret cave to this world."

My mouth was shaping an 'O' while Gandalf was telling the story. "So the cave is the connector between this world and Middle Earth. The elves called it 'Kemen Luin', the dwarves 'Blár Jord' and the Orcs 'Kartart Dha." I looked confused. "What about men? What does it mean?" Gandalf looked at me. "It means Blue Earth, and men from both worlds agreed on calling it."

"Wait, wait. But how did they do this world and the connection?" I asked, that doesn't make so much sense. "It was a gift from Ilúvatar, Nienna wanted equality and so he granted progression and evolution to men of this world. About the connection... That was more than simple magic, (Y/N). It was more about feelings and emotions, a simple wish of wanting something different from Middle Earth." That was an amazing story, the book didn't tell the whole history of Middle Earth so I did well on asking.

"Then... Elves and dwarves did come to this world." Gandalf nodded. "Yes, they did. For a while... Until the wars started. Men from this world didn't fight the Orcs, the elves from Lórien respected that decision, and they protected the cave to ensure that no enemies would ever pass."

"So the Orcs did pass... Did someone close it? Somehow?" Gandalf huffed and looked at me. "It was closed for over 2000 years, you might need to talk with Lady Galadriel. That is..." I blink while he stands up. "If you want to come with me."

I stare at Gandalf as I remember the creatures, I'm sure that they aren't the only monsters in Middle Earth, how was I supposed to defend myself or fight when I don't even know how to hold a sword? It's kinda humiliating. "(Y/N), do not be afraid. You only need training and practice, you might need some skill in both sword or bow, but don't forget that your true power... It's in your hands." The wizard pointed at my hands as I looked at them.

"They are rising, and soon enough you won't be able to control them

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"They are rising, and soon enough you won't be able to control them." I knew about that, but I didn't want to do anything, my family was always next to me and so I had to keep it a secret. Gandalf smiled. "You don't expect me to believe that you never knew you had magic. I might be old, but I'm not dumb, (Y/N)."

"I don't doubt that Gandalf, but my grandmother--" Gandalf shushed me and took something from his pockets, a beautiful necklace made of gold. "Time erases everything, (Y/N). Your grandmother might have declined everything, but you aren't her. You are free to do your own story."

I know that Gandalf believes I can do it if I put myself in it with all my heart and body, and he is right. But I'm afraid of disappointing my grandmother, she doesn't deserve any type of pain and here I am, talking with a wizard about traveling to another world. Gandalf stood up and walked out of the room while I kept thinking, it's amazing how your life can change in so little time.

Will I come back?

I looked at the necklace that Gandalf gave me, I just forgot to ask him why he gave me this beautiful treasure, one thing is assured, I can't just walk anywhere with this on my neck. I cursed internally and tried to make a decision, I have to be sure about it.

But it doesn't matter what I choose, everything has already changed.

𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝𝐬 𝐀𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 | 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐛𝐛𝐢𝐭Where stories live. Discover now