Chapter 34

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The sound of the battles drowned slowly all around me, time slowed and I felt myself pushing against it, as if the air around me had become solid, dense liquid and I could not move through it. Fili's death had made me think like this, his face still in my mind, when he kissed me, when he had pleasured me, when he died...

I heard a battle cry in a language I did not understand but yet so familiar, and there I saw her, behing holded by Bolg, Tauriel was about to die and my axe came down upon him, slicing his arm to let her go. The elf fell to the ground and the impact made her cry. I had succeeded in diverting the monster's attention from her long enough to become the center of it. 

He saw my axe swing, and in return he had stopped it, I stared at the Orc as he stabbed me with his sword, my eyes blurred by the pain until I saw red hair splattered with what, for the first time, seemed brighter than itself, her own life's blood.
I screamed, but no sound left my mouth. The same silence that had drowned the noises all around me seemed to have descended upon myself and I tried to get up, but only managed to crawl forward on my hands and knees, managing to use my earth magic to knock him down.

Tauriel's hair was wild around her face, soaked in the blood that gushed from the great cut across her chest, suddenly I could move again thanks to my powers and in a moment I wished with all my being that it might slow down again, or stop altogether.

A was a bigger fool than anyone here.

Forgetting my own wounds, I gently took her in my arms, as careful as if I was not holding a body that was already broken beyond any hope. I murmured out in pain. "You will be alright, everything's going to be alright... Just stay with me, Tauriel. Stay with me..."
Her eyes opened, with the greatest effort and widened a little at me, and then the green emeralds lost their light forever, her hand hung limp in his grasp. No... No... Please no...

I kept looking at her in a state of shock. "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..." I whispered as I cried silently, I might have not known her as Legolas did, but another innocent person has died in my arms. I carefully let her lie down, very mindful to not touch the wound on her chest, and my fingers slid over her eyelids, closing them.

Then I felt something hard on her elven tunic, I grabbed it and looked at Kili's runestone. Kili...

I looked at the beautiful lifeless elf one last time, I covered my wound and then ran back inside the towers, going up stairs as I killed Orcs and goblins, I would not rest until I find Kili. "Kili!" I shouted, but there was no reply. "Kili!!" I shouted once again, this time loudly. "(Y/N)!!" I was happy to hear him, until I felt a hard thud in my back making me fall and scream in pain once more.

I tried fighting back but I was too weak and the worst came when Bolg threw me to the cold stone, more blood draining the once white snow. I saw Kili jumping on the goblins' back, the dwarf attacking the Orc with all his strenght, but with no use as he was stumbled backwards on the creatures' hand, ready to kill him. 

"No...!" I screamed out as I forcefully got up and jumped on the Orc's back, trying to take his spear, but he easily swept me away, pushing me next to the ravine.
And to my demise, Kili was stabbed right into his heart. Kili stared at me as I whispered his name, once again everything seemed to go silence and slow, I could no longer hear anything but my sobs as his chocked breathing, his eyes watering as he watched me look at him in pain.

 Kili stared at me as I whispered his name, once again everything seemed to go silence and slow, I could no longer hear anything but my sobs as his chocked breathing, his eyes watering as he watched me look at him in pain

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Kili gave his last breathe and the Orc threw him on the ground as he grinned, I only cried in desperation at seeing him die in front of me... They were all dying...

The Orc stepped slowly to me as he prepared his weapon to kill me next, my once happy face was now drained, pain and rage taking all my body as I got up, my tattoos shinning purely, and when he was about to attack me I stopped it. The Orc seemed confused at my sudden strenght, frowning in place as his grin disappeared along with my happiness. 
I putted my hand on his chest, and after a while I managed to use my wind magic, sending Bolg flying down the snowy tower. I knew it wouldn't kill him... But I knew someone else would after seeing Tauriel's body.

I gasped out in pain as I remenbered my stab wound, I know I looked pale, I know I looked weak, I know I looked so drained, but none of that matter as I crawled nex to Kili's body, his eyes closed and his lips still red, like if he was still alive. I could feel the decrease of temperature within my blood, how my heart raced and raced. I sniffled as I felt the sunset hit my skin, grabbing his stone and putting it his hand as I holded it to my chest. "I'll never forget our time together... Never... Not in this lifetime or another..." I leaned down and kissed his lips one last time. 

As a last goodbye, I just whispered. "Amrâlimê..."


Amrâlimê = My love

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