Chapter 8

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I was freezing with the deluge, I was wet and also needed a bath urgently, but I'm not at home so I doubt I'll be able to shower or even relax in a warm place any time soon. This time I was besides Gandalf riding my horse, the Durin brothers didn't seem happy with my option, but I prefer being next to the wizard in case he needs me for something. "Here, Mr. Gandalf, can't you do something about this deluge?" Dori asks, clearly getting cold, well he's not the only one. "It is raining, Master Dwarf, and it will continue to rain until the rain is done. If you wish to change the weather of the world, you should find yourself another wizard."

"Are there any?" Bilbo asks to Gandalf. "Other wizards?"

"There are five of us. The greatest of our order is Saruman the White. And then there are the two Blue Wizards... You know, I've quite forgotten their names." My lips form a grin. "And who is the fifth?" I ask, getting interested in the conversation. "Well, that would be Radagast the Brown."

"Is he a great wizard? Or is he more like you?" I look at Bilbo and he smiles a bit at me as I giggle, Gandalf seemed kind of perplexed at the question. "Well, I think he is a very great wizard... In his own way. He's a gentle soul who prefers the company of animals for others. He keeps a watchful eye over the vast forest lands to the East- and a good thing, too, for always evil will look to find a foothold in this world."

"He understands animals?" Gandalf nods and I smile in amazement, Radagast is a lucky wizard, I wish I could talk with animals too, maybe I can ask him to teach me? If we ever find him on the way to Erebor. 

"(Y/N), can I ask you something?" I turn to Bilbo and nod. "When you said that you don't have anyone to marry, can I know the reason?" I hear some of the dwarfs whispering behind us. "Because, I heard that as big as a sociaty is, a lot easier to find a suitable husband." I sighed and looked down a bit. "Men have turned into ignorant beings, Mr. Baggins. That is the saddest truth when it comes to a big sociaty." I smiled softly, Bilbo had an unreadable face, but I know that he felt bad for asking. "Don't feel bad, In Blue Earth our 'courtship' doesn't work the way you think."

"How do you do your courtship?" Thorin asks, surprisingly, I didn't expect him to be interested in my world. "Normally by simply asking to go somewhere you might think it's romantic enough to the one you want to court. Or if you want to make it a lot more serious then a gift." The dwarfs seemed to like it the part of the gift, don't they give anything when it comes to dating? 

"And what about engagement?" Ori asks. "You have to make sure that you are ready for it. Normally men are the ones asking the women to marry them, crouching down and letting them see the ring, meaning your engagement, saying 'Someone's name, would you do me the honor of becoming wife?' or 'Will you be my wife?'"

Bofur makes a weird face. "Can't women ask?" Some of the dwarves agreed and asked the same, I sighed. "I said normally, women can also ask, but it's very rare."

"Then you aren't interested in anyone, lass? Judging by what you said to Mr Baggins." Balin asks, what is wrong with them asking so many questions about my love life? "Well, not really. At least not for now. I can't say I haven't been interested, but sometimes the best is to stay alone with all the bad people around." Balin agrees and smiles at me, I do too.

We soon arrive near a little camp with a destroyed house, I wonder what happend and who lived here, maybe the orcs, as they are the source of every problem right now. Thorin stops in front of us. "We'll camp here for the night. Fili, Kili, look after the ponies. Make sure you stay with them." I get down my horse and walk underneath the burned house with Gandalf. "A farmer and his family used to live here." I gulped. "Orcs?" Gandalf sighs and looks at me. "Probably... But I'm not so sure."

"Oin, Gloin. Get a fire going." 


"I think it would be wiser to move on!" We both turned to Thorin. "We could make for the Hidden Valley." The king walks next to us. "I have told you already... I will not go near that place." What is wrong with him and the Elves? "Why not? The Elves could help us. We could get food, rest, advice." Gandalf follows Thorin and the king turns around to look at him. "I do not need their advice."

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