Chapter 45

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I know the strange rider is behind me. Somehow I am faster than the black horse, and I warn everyone that we should run, but I feel like they don't hear me. It draws a sword and tries to turn me around to face them, but my mind refuses and commands me to run as fast as I can, and I leap away down the road towards the river. The black horse runs behind me, crying out. I stay ahead of them easily and I run on, when suddenly four more appear from the trees and split up to try to catch me and to block my escape. Two of them race towards the me, and I go even faster as they come near me, I cannot fly, nor use any of my magic, but I don't stop, and I go as fast as I can as I pass right in front of them, feeling the frozen darkness from their riders as I flee past.

Nine were the mortal men, proud and great. Long ago they fell under the dominion of the One, and they became Ringwraiths, shadows under his great Shadow, his most terrible servants. As the Shadow grows once more, they too may walk again.


More days passed since we left Lórien, we followed the river until we reached the Field of Celebrant and we entered The Brown Lands. Lands without mountains, without rivers, and yellow plants and trees that seemed to be lifeless, I was not very impressed, we were a week away from Mordor. The sight of the great trees of Mirkwood did not go unnoticed by my cousins, who out of curiosity wanted to approach, but evil continued to emanate dark force from those dark ruins, and once again I wondered when Sauron will declare war on the realms. It won't be many years for that moment, that was known to both wizards and me.

Dol Guldur was not unknown for them, they already knew that it was there that we faced who we thought was a Necromancer. What a trap, Morgoth's servant played well.

We had a bad time the first nights after leaving the city of the elves, I was not the only one who heard noises and whispers and the children woke up with bags under their eyes, Ágo tried to heal them and even if she did, they reappeared in the next nights. I still believe that I did wrong in bringing them to a world so ridiculously dangerous, but if they wanted to, I couldn't forbid them like grandma did.

I quickly run across the ford, the water splashing around my feet, and up the bank on the other side. At the top of the bank I halt and turn around, crying out my challenge to the black horse, there are five of them now. I can feel fear in the depths of my soul, and I try to tell myself that everything will be alright, that I will protect my family, that I will live for another day. I cannot remember what madness drove us here tonight, we were surrounded by peaceful silence after many nights of whispering, until the shadows called for me once more. I wanted to say why me. Have I not suffered enough? Instead and yet the words will not come.

𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝𝐬 𝐀𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 | 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐛𝐛𝐢𝐭Where stories live. Discover now