"Reward with unknown value"

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I can't say that whatever I do is what's best for me although it should be.

All I can do is really love and experience life tenderly.

And who's to say that whatever I neglect isn't right for me, for I create my dreams and they fight for me.

When I'm alone all options are open, all possibilities are infinite.

And it's going to be I, who decides what to do next, what dreams and mayhem do I desire?

A Casanova, and torn apart a star, a cigarette, laid out next to a lit cigar.

A rewarding dream, against the shadows of the perhaps most mesmerizing standard of what it is to live.

The being and nothingness that comes alive and tells the stories of life.

A value that has no place but inside the hearts of man, a wordless experience that only we can reprimand.

The solitude if the soul is unvalued and much less rewarded than one among the chasms of memories.

Those that have the thoughts that splinter the canvas of emotions.

A human being as we call ourselves? valued next to the simple flower or to the great glowing star that we call our sun.

For us to be, we must succeed in accepting that we are truly nothing without the world around us.


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