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Shaolin fantastic once said, "Leaders lead and cowards cower".
he's right and it's inspired me to use my superpower.
I want to be a leader that will lead courageously.
hear me as these words flow through your eyes and churn your brain contagiously.

Up and down listen to my voice, this is me making my choice and trusting myself.

Who else could I be but for me?
I don't want to be like him or them,
This is how I set myself free.

Feeling enlightened as if I were under the bodhi tree.
The words are stained against the wall.
I use the letters to paint something bigger,
More valuable than the things you can buy at a mall.

So now tell me, who are you?
What would you chose to do if you knew what
you were capable of?

Would you use your wings to align with the doves,
Or would you give up when life comes to push rather than the occasional shove?

We are more alike than you'd like to believe.
the skin colour or race or any of the plenty labels you have ceased to matter.

I hope this makes your self- centred ego shatter.
So now all you'll do is chatter about how stupid I am or if this even matters.

I am slowly giving up like I don't care.
I'm tired of being someone I'm not, it's too much to bear.

So listen and take pride in who you really are.
You and I come from the same star.

The same stars in the sky that we look up to
With hope and wonder.
Don't keep those feelings you've had down under.

The true art is you, if only you knew, what I'm saying is entirely true so take this as a clue.

So tell me now, would you fly with me if I asked you to?
would you wish you did what you already knew how to do?
Who knew I could use words instead of fists to fight.
My words help me represent what I believe is right.


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