"Im trying to get better"

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I'm trying to keep myself in check
My minds a car and I'm a wreck.

I'm aware of my addictive habits but when I overindulge I lose sight of my path sometimes and wander off.

Because when I dream of the future or what I wish for I usually hope for the best but I expect the worst.

And that's normal too me to always assume things, just so I can ease my mind of the things I don't understand.

But that's a habit I'm trying to break, along with my substance abuse, I've been letting my ego be misused.

And so my soul is a red light that I stop at, just so I can peak and make sure what I want is still on the map.

Lately, I could've given less of crap because the weight of the world isn't on my shoulders, it's breaking my back.

I put my words onto this earth to just watch it give birth to ideas that are supposed hold meaning.

Trying to write out the feeling, I'm holding myself back because I've been fiending.

A war of growth or a battle for change,  Cupid shot me but I don't think he likes to aim.

My love for this experience , puts the rest of my thoughts and ambitions to shame.

Life is a game, and there so many levels, I hope I never get to play god or the devil.

But I'll drag the world if I have too and I'll bring it to you, maybe that's the only thing I really ever planned to do.


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