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How would you mould the world if you could?
Would you feel still, misunderstood?
Flawed by the design people make,
seems like just existing is fake.

Don't forget, you are who you are for a reason.
all of us change like seasons.
The music reflects we how feel,
so don't judge me when I listen to symphonies from a movie reel.

Ideals projected through centuries,
more imperfect than our flawed human histories.

We all have a story to tell,
how can our own thoughts be worse than hell?

Emptied hollow shells drop to the ground,
all of us are chasing our own personal crown.
The earth is round,
Reflecting the place to which our vessels are bound.

brainwashed teens like me need to unlock our 3rd eye, it's key.
So bounce with me, you're already apart of my team.

positivity is underrated, we've renounced it farewell.
only person fighting is yourself, so take all you can, learn, and tell.

                                Mysterious forces come into the subconscious,
                                    making those around us spout ignorance,
                                               obnoxiously listening to society,

"Think outside the box"

More like 

"keep your mind in a box".

Abstract thought,
It can differentiate between what's real and what's not.
mending the two in an unending spiral of self-doubt.
There is no wrong route.

the only regret is limiting your train of thought.
expand the universe, see past what's been taught.
you may think you're cursed,
It gets better, only after you've seen the worst.


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