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Watch what I can do behind a pen, so now tell me am I bootleg Shaolin?
When I write I can't help but grin.
I chase my ideas like cops do robbers,
Like a bastard without a father.

I've seen too many things that I wish I could unsee.
Not to mention all the self-criticism aimed below the belt...
I hope words reach you if you're far,
these rhymes mean more to me than any foreign car.

the natural thought process alone paints life through your depiction of it.

In these words, I don't have to hide.
In these words, I feel most alive.
In these words I find solace.

I walk around with all this in my head.
I know how it feels to wish you were dead.
But that's not me anymore,
I'm boring If keep talking you'll eventually snore.

I've always craved more and more.
I'm hungry for discovery, opening every door.
Sending letters in bottles, throwing them into the ocean hoping they'll wash ashore.

We're always too preoccupied with time.
I have nothing, so I searching for something, anything.
Maybe I'll find it in these words.
the way I feel makes me think I'm under an overwhelming curse.

I'm scared that I'll have nothing to offer once I'm riding in my hearse.

Across the page I allow my heart to burst.
For what I long crave, I'm still in search.


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