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Lately, my routine has been inconsistent, I've let myself wander and become reminiscent.

trying to balance the bickering thoughts on a dual pivot.

I daydream so much in my fantasies I'm really living it.

The pattern of rain doesn't help my somberness, I just want to shut down and sleep.

It's hard to keep my mind a blank sheet lately the thoughts have been piling up 

What bothers me, even more, is that I feel way out of touch.

It feels like that one empty feeling in your gut like if you got cut would you even bleed?

Lately, I've been really in my emotions of need.

Been trying to focus on myself more, but my uninterest lately has made me feel like a bore.

I got to dig myself up out of this hole, I remember that I was working on being complete with myself and feeling like I was whole.

Filled with love, whenever push comes to shove, ill never give up,

ill never erupt, even when my mind is surrounded by bad luck.


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