"Crimision tides"

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The wind blows, nature's lullaby

Two or more questions that I'll answer,
Two more answers that I'll give , that will turn into two more questions.

Or isn't that how science goes!

Cosmic reasoning I can handle only so much in the present, it doesn't help that I drag my thoughts through the crimson tides of the past.

I'll sink before I float, searching deeper, paddling through the murkiest areas of my soul, discovering the traces of light that are hidden.

The crimson tide carries all truth through the world, only reflecting the colour that which is made of the light.

The past artists had forms of patterns and strokes of wonder.

All I have is words read backwards when heard, it's like no one ever listens, so I just stare at birds.

Because birds can fly, and I wish I could too.

To not be beneath the crimson tides but over it, as the birds do, is the only thing that I wish I could do.

A birth among many others my awakening was well past due.

For my youth was traded for that of an inexperienced old shrew.

The tides carry all the thoughts bounded by the immense emotions of the human condition.

I found my self stuck tumbling through the crimson riptide, always almost experiencing a painful repetition.

The crimson tide laps up onto the shores of innocence, leaving awake of knowledge to vast to be understood at such an age, let alone experience it.

All it has poisoned our minds this crimson tide, those first hellos and last goodbyes.

Never lie, in the moment of reality, the crimson tides don't affect me as I project my own tide through gravity.

But God could never stay mad at me.
So the crimson tides flow beyond us and before us, taking and giving, creating and destroying.

Until I drown beneath the tides, infested with false lies.

And then I wake up finally and realize I don't mind a nightmare in the morning.


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