"Emotions out of context"

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Stuck in my head swimming, trying to find
firmer ground.

Taking my emotions out of context and observing then instead of reacting.

I'm taking my time creating self-love, it's a slow and steady process.
Tired of feeling that I'm heartless.

Because I'm full, full of so much that I don't know what to do with.
And it's uncomfortable sitting on so much and being able to do so little.

Life's a puzzle I got the pieces I'm just figuring out my own riddle.
My heart speaks into my soul and whispers the way the wind does.

My thoughts take my moderation into account of my ability to detoxify my mind.
And that is thanks to my practice of managing my time.

It's like trying to be really human is almost a crime.
my blood is like boiling the magma under the earth.
I'm drowning my ego so it can give birth.

Tearing down the doubt that has been affecting my self-worth.

Forget fame and foreign cars, those are nice and all but,
I'm so close yet so far, I'm aiming and shooting for mars.

My minds a mess and I'm trying to organize it
Trying to make something of the pieces of myself.

Before my wings melt,
emotions don't need words to translate what is being felt.

I left the driver seat and I'm in the passenger going 100 miles per hour.
My reflection is new and I no longer cower under the false image that the ego draws its power.


The Top 100 Things In My Thoughts.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ