"Change my self like I change clothes"

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I see with my mind.
I feel with my heart.
I live with my soul.
I love with my being.

Everywhere the light touches thoughts of you grow from it.

A change is happening within me, it's the most uncomfortable thing that I've ever experienced.
But it's voluntary, I'm changing because I want too, even though it's been long due. And If I don't change then I'm screwed.

My ego is rude, so I step back when it wants to attack, cause lately I've been tired of it always making me feel like crap.

Life's random at times, and it almost makes chaotic sense
My thoughts are occupants within me and they still haven't paid rent.

You see I've been reading and meditating, been listening to music, hopefully, I can get into record making.
That change though is something else, the person who I haven't become yet I already am, I cannot wait to meet.

It's always been me a dream journey, into the deeper parts of me.

Right now I'm in shallow water, I know how to swim.
The water rises and so do the feelings of those that are grim.

But the light has only dimmed at times but never disappointed me in the way that I do myself in moments.

So I'll change, pain , happiness, sorrow, peace.
Not in that order but in an infinite, and unfathomable sequence.

I think, I grow, my soul shows.

Where did my ego go?


The Top 100 Things In My Thoughts.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz