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It's sunny and cloudy every day, it reminds me when I look outside to ignore my own decay.

In the afternoon it rains, and then it pours, and at times my tears melt with the water from the sky.

I cry because I don't know what to believe in, either in myself or my own lies.

I write to grasp the disorder within my being because when I close my eyes I catch myself daydreaming.

When I close my eyes the lights under my lids are brighter than any other star.

Even though I'm still far away, I can only interact with my past and my fleeting thoughts of the future.

Although I appreciate every day like it's my last, because maybe it will be I don't know.

The way it looks, for now, is never the same, and it's always changing.

It's just your perspective of the present that describes whatever you feel about the things in your environment.

All of that is sacred, the words are just symbols to describe what you are experiencing.

My thoughts are with you and I hope you feel the way the sun does when it sleeps and it rises.


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