Chapter 23

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Chapter 23: Carter’s POV

                Being bed ridden and your boyfriend had to leave early in the morning for band practice isn’t exactly the dream day. Sitting in bed, trying not to throw up was next to impossible, I honestly felt like I was ready to puke an entire years’ worth of food that could stop world hunger.

                Very descriptive.

                Groaning at the queasy pains in my stomach I sat up and soon felt my stomach jolt quickly. Throwing off the bed sheets, I ran to the master bath and like I thought I would at some point during my sickness and just throw up till I was basically just spitting out salvia.

                Carter you have such a way with words.

                During the entire ‘mouth-to-toilet-bowl’ session, I tied my hair back with a hair tie. Standing up, I flushed my entire stomach down the toilet and I presumed to the sink where I brushed the retching stench that was a mixture of different medicines and last night’s dinner.

                 I knew Johnnie was at the Black Veil Brides band rehearsal with Jordyn, rocking out probably. I grabbed my phone and I pressed Johnnie’s contact, not wanting to worry Andy during band practice. I quickly started pressing the letters.

 Me: Don’t Alarm Andy when you read this.

Johnnie: What’s wrong?


Johnnie: Why?

Me: Because I don’t want to bother him during band practice! I will wait till he comes home. Just don’t do the obvious: SOMETHING IS WRONG AHHHH face. Got it?

Johnnie: Got it… feel better <3

Me: Thanks

                I set my phone down as I laid down on my bed, holding my legs to my chest trying to get that completely empty stomach feeling to go away. I knew just laying here for 3 hours wasn’t going to help. I sat up and I grabbed my coat, then slipping into a pair of flats laying around.

                I got my purse and I went out to my nearby CVS what was thankfully walking distance. Walking down the street, I saw the sign and I smiled. Walking through the parking lot, I slid through the automatic opening doors and I walked to the section.

                Pregnancy Tests.

                I picked out 4 different brands and I paid at the checkout. I walked back home, holding the handles of the plastic bag with both hands as I walked up the apartment stairs and to the apartment door. Unlocking it with my key, I walked in and I took off my coat and went to the bathroom.

                I pulled out the first box and I undid the packaging. Reading the directions I quickly did my test before Andy could come home. I wanted to tell him, it would be less stressful if he was just watching me.

                When I felt like the test was ready I looked at it. Positive. I set the test on the counter, opening a new package and doing another test. Positive. Positives after Positives after all 4 tests were done. 4 Positives. I am definitely pregnant.

                I hid all the tests in a dresser draw so Andy couldn’t find them before I could tell him. I didn’t want it to seem like I was hiding this from him, which I clearly wasn’t. I didn’t want to tell him over the phone, I thought he deserved to be told in person that he was going to be a father.

                Even though he said multiple times that he wanted a baby, he even had name choices in mind the back of my head still kept echoing that maybe he really didn’t want a baby and he was just trying to make his soon to be wife happy. I hated these thoughts of negativity against the one I love.

                I heard the apartment door slam shut. “Babe?” I heard him holler. I walked out of the bedroom. “Hey you feeling alright?” He asked slowly kissing my cheek. I nodded but didn’t bother to speak. He frowned, slowly lifting my chin. I nodded. “Babe you should lay down.” He encouraged me.

                “Andy… we need to talk.” I said as he walked to our kitchen and poured me a glass of water.

                “What is it?” He asked. A smile was not too far away from me when I said this.

                “I’m pregnant Andy, were going to have a baby.” I whispered. He dropped the glass on the ground, making the cup go flying. Thankfully we really only use plastic cups. “Andy, I took 4 tests, there all positive. You’re going to be a daddy.” I said to him.

                “I’m a dad?” He walked over to me, cupping my cheeks. I nodded slowly and his smile grew. “Carter were going to have a baby!” He shouted happily. He ran out to the small deck that was in our apartment that looked out onto the city. “HEY EVERYONE! I’M GOING TO BE A DAD!”

                I couldn’t help but grin at the overly enthusiastic 6’2 man who was shouting at Hollywood that he was going to have a baby. I giggled at him as he ran in and scooped me up, placing his lips on mine as he spun me around the apartment, ignoring the water puddle.

                Now, an hour later, sitting on the couch snuggled up together as his hand laid on my stomach that wasn’t even showing. I looked up at him as he was staring at my stomach, absentmindedly, almost like he was daydreaming about the future. “Andy?” I looked over at him.               

                “Hm?” He said, obviously coming out of his little imaginative moment.

                “When are you going to tell your parents?” I asked.

                “We can ask during Christmas time. It’s in 4 months, we’ll visit them in Ohio for the holidays, and tell him sense by then you will be showing a bit. Tell them on Christmas day. Now for your parents I don’t think we need to worry too much about.” Andy smiled.

                “I want to tell my mom.” I told him, his eyes widened.

                “Are you sure?” He asked.

                “She said I would never love you, she said I should move on. I am now getting married and pregnant. Let her swallow reality like a large pill.” I grinned.

                “Sounds great to me.” He said as I snuggled into his neck, soon falling asleep, thinking about the future, the child, everything. Everything was perfect. I don’t believe in the word perfect too often but let’s be honest here. Perfect was starting to make sense.

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