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THE car ride back to San Francisco was awkward to say the least. Aurora sat with her back resting against the window, curled up with a towel around her, shivering, while Scott drove in his Ant-Man suit, helmet still on. The tween sighed, looking at Scott.

"Do you want to explain to me what exactly happened?" She asked in a stern tone that sounded nearly identical to her mother's, something Scott noticed.

"Uh, Lorelei— Mercury, and myself came to recuse you and return you home," he replied, Aurora rolling her eyes at his response.

"Why? Like, I don't know either of you and you come to recuse me? Why isn't my dad with you then?"

"Don't know either of us? Lorelei's your mother, Lorelei Jenkins, does that ring a bell?" Aurora ran her hand through her wet hair. The name sounded familiar and Mercury looked like the woman from her fading memories. Even with that in her mind, she still didn't know if she could trust this man's word.

"If she is my mother than tell me something only my mother would know about me." Now, Aurora didn't remember much about her mother, her memories seemed to be fading as she aged, but she wanted to see what Scott could make up quickly.

"I just met her a few days ago but she told me how you got your powers and about your dad, uh, not Tony, but your real dad— real's not the right word— you're father who help conceive you— wait you're only like thirteen— sorry!"

"Just tell me the story Ant-Man!" Aurora exclaimed, her teeth chattering as she spoke.

"Right, with the lab accident, your sister Zaria was mixing around some chemicals that shouldn't have been mixed together and then spilt her water into the beaker. You all got powers, you can control fire, your mother metal, and your sister water." Aurora nodded as Scott explained the accident a bit more, something Aurora knew nothing about.

"My father, not Tony, but the other one, tell me what you know about him," Aurora demanded. Scott was in awe at the similarities between Lorelei and her daughter who she hadn't seen in roughly five years.

"Uh, your mother said you probably don't remember him but he was a universal aider, meaning he'd go to other planets and help people, sounds weird, I know, but that's what your mother said. Apparently he died when you were young, maybe three or four, I'm not quite sure." Hearing that caused Aurora's eyes to widen as she remembered how her father died so to speak.

"Alright, you've proven that Lorelei is my mother. So you and Lorelei came to recuse me?" Scott nodded, explaining how Lorelei recruited him to help save her.

"So why does this Taskmaster want you?" Scott asked. Aurora sighed, wrapping the towel tighter around her tiny body.

"My dad and I have the same idea when it comes to world safety with a suit of armour around the world, but ever since Ultron, people have been weary about our intentions, rightfully so. I guess Taskmaster is one of the many who think my dad and I are bad, that or he wants money, my dad is a billionaire," Aurora explained, reaching for the radio and fiddling with the dial, changing the station from hip-hop to Daughtry's Home. The preteen couldn't help but frown as the song played, focusing on the lyrics that were being sang. Scott glanced at the girl, frowning also.

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