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WREN screamed in pain as she layed on the cold floor of the vault she was in with Ned, Flash, Betty, MJ, and Happy around her. Happy was trying to remain calm while MJ was trying to get Wren comfortable.

"I can't believe I'm going to see the birth of Lady Liberty and Captain America's child!" Flash exclaimed.

"Shut the hell up, Flash!" Wren growled, Flash's eyes widening in fear.

"I just googled 'what to do when in labour' and it says we should help her stay calm and relaxed," Ned said, reading off his phone.

"Not working!" Wren shouted, groaning in pain.

"I'm telling you, they're in here! That sounded like Wren when she's yelling!" Aurora's voice boomed through the museum, Ned's eyes widening as Aurora walked into the vault with Zaria, Bucky, Steve, and Peter behind her (Peter in his Spider-Man suit). "Was I right or was I right!?"

"Wren, sweetheart, everything's okay. We're going to be okay," Steve said in a calm and reassuring tone, kissing his wife's forehead.

"That's how you help her stay calm and relaxed," MJ said to Ned, who was staring at Aurora.

"We need to get her to a hospital," Zaria said, Bucky nodding.

"I– no time to go to a hospital. It is coming now," Wren said.

"Okay, no one here knows how to deliver a baby, right?" Aurora asked, glancing over at Zaria.

"Woah, I became a news reporter to avoid science."

"Give me fifteen minutes and I can totally deliver this baby!" Ned said, Aurora's eyes widening in fear while Wren narrowed hers at Ned.

"You're watching a Try Guys video at a moment like this?" MJ asked, glancing over Ned's shoulder and at his phone. Aurora groaned, walking over to Ned and glancing at his phone.

"Skip through the jokes, we don't have time for those."

"While Aurora prepares to deliver Wren's baby, can someone explain what is going on?" Betty asked, glancing around the room. "A bunch of drones just attacked us and Aurora's supposed to be dead!"

"I'll answer the drone question," Zaria said, clearing her throat. "Mysterio, or Quentin Beck, used stolen Stark technology to trick the world into thinking he's like our new Iron Man and other things that aren't super important. What is important is that we stopped him and he's no longer a problem."

"And who exactly are you?"

"I'm Blauer Ritter."

"Oh my! Is the video almost done!?" Wren cried out in pain, squeezing Steve's hand tightly. He was lucky he was a super-soldier because if he wasn't Wren would've crushed his hand.

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