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ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।


"IT was about two, three months ago that we stole the Orb from Xandar," Drax told his fellow Guardians as they travelled to a new planet that needed saving. It had been roughly a month since Zaria had left, none of the Guardians speaking of her, except Groot. He constantly boosted about the woman and how wonderful she was. It was as if the anti-heroine had passed and no one wanted to bring her up. Gamora was the first to speak her hero name, asking Drax about how Zaria stole the Orb.

"So right after we gave them the Orb, you two went along and stole it?" Quill asked, eyes glancing back at Gamora and Drax before looking out in front of him. Both him and Rocket were flying the ship, taking turns. Rocket wanted to take the Atlanta, but both Gamora and Quill were against his idea.

"There is more to the story than that," Drax started before looking off into space as if his memory of the event would be screened along the stars.

XANDAR. 2014

"I just can't believe we're giving the Orb to complete strangers instead of me! First we all agreed to sell it to that Collector dude since Gamora said so and now we're giving to Nova Corps because Gamora said so. Quill is so in love with her so he'll do whatever she wants, ugh! How can they not trust me, but trust all of you guys? We worked together to save Xandar and I still don't have their trust, or the Orb!" Zaria whined, looking over at Drax.

"If you want the orb so badly, why do we not steal it from the Nova Corps?" Drax suggested.

"As along as you don't tell Star-Lame, Gamora, or Rocket. I can't risk them finding out I have it."

"That sounds fair Aqua. You are my best friend so I will lie for you," Drax said, making Zaria smile slightly.

"Your friends have arrived. On behalf of the Nova Corps, we'd like to express our profound gratitude for your help in saving Xandar. If you will follow Denarian Dey, he has something to show you," Nova Prime announced as Drax and Zaria met up with Rocket, Gamora, and Quill

"Thank you, Nova Prime." Gamora went over to Drax while Zaria stood next to Rocket, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Your wife and child shall rest well knowing that you have avenged them," Gamora told Drax. He locked eyes with Zaria before replying.

"Yes. Of course, Ronan was only a puppet. It's really Thanos I need to kill."

"Looks like we'll have a lot of work to do," Zaria said to Drax. The two held eye contact as Rocket headed towards Quill's ship, Gamora and Quill not to far behind, Quill bragging about the dance battle. "Hey Drax, let's go do it now, while we have the chance."

"Okay Aqua, what is our plan?" Drax asked.


"AND you just followed her?!" Quill exclaimed, letting Rocket take control of the ship as he stood up, facing Drax and Gamora. "She's crazy!"

"She is my friend. I knew Aqua before all of you and she helped me when I needed it. Aqua is also quite funny. We became family since both of us lost ours. I would do anything for Aqua," Drax explained, Gamora looking down at her feet.

"You never told us how you two met," Rocket said, not looking at the other Guardians as he spoke.

"It was a few months before I ended up in prison. I went on a mission to kill Ronan and she found me along the way. Aqua saved me from some of Ronan's people. We then began to work together until she had to leave to hunt down some object. I ended up in prison after she left and then she ended up there too," Drax explained.

"She probably left to hunt the Orb," Gamora said, Quill nodding. "That doesn't sound like Aqua, though. Saving people? It's not really her style. From the stories I've heard after Xandar, she's a cutthroat, ruthless criminal."

"Yeah, I know! She was batshit crazy in prison, all those threats," Quill reminded everyone. While everyone could recall Zaria being cold and rude towards Quill, in some cases he deserved it. "That girl doesn't do anything nice unless it benefits her in some way."

"I am Groot," Groot chirped in, gaining everyone's attention.

"Groot's right, Aqua was very nice to him and that didn't seem to benefit her," Rocket said.

"She's insane, that explains everything," Quill added.

"Can we just get back to the story of stealing the Orb?" Gamora asked, raising her voice so everyone heard her.

XANDAR. 2014

ZARIA walked past many Nova Corps with Drax by her side, simply nodding and smiling at them as she passed. She had explained to Drax that they needed to act normal until they reached the Orb. Drax did his best to appear as he normally would, but it didn't work like it worked for Zaria.

"You would make a bad sidekick in a spy movie. This was probably why that Tom Cruise guy worked alone in those old action movies," Zaria mumbled to herself. The duo reached the room where the power stone was being kept, heavily guarded by Nova Corps. "Drax, I need you to watch the guards, okay?"

"Yes Aqua, but how do you plan on getting past them?" Zaria smirked, holding up her hand, the reality stone glowing as she used it to create a fake scene. Nova Prime came rushing in.

"I need you all to follow me, now!" She exclaimed, rushing around the corner where she would disappear. The guards followed, rushing around the corner.

"Warn me if they come back," Zaria told Drax before she rushed towards the door, using the reality stone to create a key to unlock the door. Drax glanced from the doorway Zaria entered and the hallway the guards exited. Zaria was only gone for a few minutes, exiting the room quickly with the power stone on her wristband.

"Did you get the Orb?" Drax asked, Zaria nodding as she raised her hand, showing Drax the glowing purple stone.

"Let's get out of here before Star-Lame and Ga-bore-a notice we're gone."

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