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AURORA screamed as Oceanus, Coeus, Crius, Hyperion, Iapetus, Cronus, Thea, Rhea, Themis, Mnemosyne, Phoebe, and Tethys came into view. The Titans had taken over all of Europe and Asia, next was North America. The Jenkins were planning on going to the haven in Canada, but Hyperion found out about their plans before they could reach the border.

"Run Rory, I have got this!" Wren shouted, flying towards the Gods and Goddesses, taking them on. While Wren was nearly invincible, she couldn't destroy all twelve Titans, at most she could handle half. Aurora screamed once more, her body erupting into flames as she flew off. "Head towards base one, I will be a bit behind." Base one was code for Windsor, Ontario, Canada. Canada was the first country people started fleeing to and with the greatest minds safe inside the country's borders, they came up with the technology to create a forcefield that kept the Titians out.

"I thought we got all the Harums, but I guess one escaped," Cronus said as he punched the alien being, Wren's eyes turning red. She shot out her lasers, taking down Thea and Rhea for a brief moment.

"I am going to avenge my planet and all the other beings you killed," Wren said with a thick accent, one that sounded broken.

"You've heard of the Avengers, correct? Remember what happened to them when they tried to avenge the fallen from Thanos' snap?" Tethys asked as she flew after Wren who got knocked down by Coeus.

"They all died!" Crius told the Harum. All twelve gods stood over the alien, watching as she tried to catch her breath. "And you shall join them."

"Like hell I will," Wren muttered, mustering up all her strength and flying up into the sky. "I am going to make sure you never rise to power."

"And how will you do that?" Mnemosyne asked.

"By going to the year 2018 and stoping Thanos myself." Wren flew off, faster than a speeding bullet. She noticed Aurora and grabbed onto her, dropping her off in Windsor where her mother and sister would be waiting for her. Wren flew around the Earth a few thousand times before getting to the year 2018.


AFTER Wren had dropped Aurora off to Windsor, Aurora found her mother and sister in a lab with another scientist.

"Honey, you made it! I was so worried about you," Lorelei cried, wrapping her arms around her daughter. She kissed the top of her head, Aurora crying in her mother's arms. "Sweetheart, we've come up with a way to stop the Titans without actually fighting them."

"Yes, your mother and I have figured out time travel," an elderly man said. Aurora looked up from her mother's chest to the elderly man.

"Rory, this is Doctor Stanley," Zaria introduced, gesturing towards the older man.

"So, with this time travel thing. We have to send you back to specific times and places, the only question is which ones?"

"If we want to stop the Titans, we need to stop Thanos, the purple alien who snapped half of the population of the galaxy into dust. He snapped in 2018, so is that when I should be sent back?" Zaria asked.

"Wait a minute, who said you were going back in time?" Lorelei asked. The mother and daughter began to argue, Aurora sighing as she stepped towards Stanley.

"From what I've read, Tony Stark and the Guardians of the Galaxy fought on Titan while Captain America and crew fought in Wakanda. What I think we need to do is send multiple people back to gain the trust of the groups and change the past instead of dropping us into the battle."

"That is a great idea girlie. One of you should go with the Guardians, one with Tony Stark and another with Captain America."

"What if, let's say Zaria went to Nova, where the Guardians formed together with the power stone? She could become a Guardian and take both the power and reality stone from the Collector," Aurora thought aloud as her mother and sister continued to argue.

"That sounds perfect. Perhaps you could go back to 2010, growing on Tony Stark's journey with him, guide him to make the right choices."

"And what about Mom? She's coming too, right?"

"Yes, but not at the same time. I think it would be best if we let her journey with Ant-man in 2015. Yes, that would work. Scott Lang was, or is still, stuck in the quantum realm. If your mother is there, she can pull him out so he can help defeat Thanos."

"So I'm going to 2010 with Tony Stark, Mom is going to 2015 with Scott Lang, and Zaria is going to 2014 with the Guardians?" Aurora summarized, Stanley nodding.

"There's one problem with this plan. While we've figured out how to travel to the past, we haven't figured out how to get you guys back to the present, which means-"

"We'll be stuck in the past," she finished, Zaria and Lorelei stopping their argument. The two turned towards the youngest Jenkins. "It doesn't matter, we have to do it. For the galaxy."

"This means that you won't see your mother or sister for nearly a decade. They won't see you until you're fifteen."

"We have to do this. Mom, Zaria, do you understand the plan?"

"Plan? No! Rory, I'm not letting you travel 3018 years into the past by yourself! You're just a baby," Lorelei said, caressing her daughter's cheek.

"Yeah, while I'm a seven-year-old with the intelligence of an adult. Don't you think the lives of the many outweigh the lives of the few?"

"We don't trade lives, Rory," Lorelei said.

"Maybe we have to. It's not like we won't see each other again. It's our job as heroes to save people. I don't want to grow up in a world with the Titans. This is the only way guys, we have to."

"Stanley, let's do it," Zaria said, wrapping her arms around her sister and mother. This could be the last time the three would be all together, ever again.

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