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THIS is the end of Zaria's story, the end of her arc, her mission, and her life. She had traveled back to the future, finding herself in the abandoned city of New York. Although she was in desperate need of medical attention, Zaria continued to push past the pain shooting through her left leg. Using the space stone, she created a portal directly to Doctor Stanley, the man shocked to see Zaria.

"What happened?" He exclaimed, looking down at her foot, watching the blood drip onto his floor. While Stanley looked the same as when Zaria left him, the woman had aged from her late twenties to mid-thirties. Time had not been on her side, but it seemed like the world hadn't been on her side either.

"I've got the stones, all of them. Let's do this," Zaria grumbled, stumbling over to the elderly doctor.

"The Titans are currently attacking a group of refugees in Seattle," Stanley explained, Zaria nodding before opening another portal, stumbling through with Stanley in tow.


WHEN the portal opened in Seattle, many people screamed and ran the other way while some recognized Doctor Stanley, stopping for a brief second. Zaria found herself stumbling to the ground, looking up at Cronus, Oceanus, and Phoebe, the Titans who she hadn't seen in years. They looked different then before she left, not seeming as scary as before.

"Cronus!" Zaria shouted, the Titan directing his attention to the woman on the ground. She held her hand up, showing off the six infinity stones. Before any of the Gods could make a retort, Zaria snapped her fingers, feeling the energy from the stones flow though her body.

"Holy shit!" Someone exclaimed, pointing up to the sky. Slowly, one by one, the twelve Titan Gods turned into dust. Zaria let out a small breath before laying on her back, Stanley standing above her.

"You did it Zaria, you saved the world, the galaxy!" Stanley told her, the woman just staring at him. "I'll return the stones, make sure we don't create issues in the timeline." He stood there in silence as refugees celebrated around him. "I'll tell them about you, you're a hero."

"...I did it?" Zaria breathed out before shutting her eyes, her chest moving slower and slower. Stanley smiled at the heroine, reaching down to collect Zaria's wristband.

"The world will know the name Zaria Jenkins."


AURORA locked eyes with her father, Tony shocked to learn that his daughter was from the future. Zaria had left seconds ago, everything going back to normal in the streets of New York. It was as if nothing happened, the city was perfectly fine. Doctor Strange stood with Wong and Bruce, everyone remaining silent.

"In the name of Jeria, that'll never get easier," a voice exclaimed, appearing from nowhere. Growing back to normal size, standing next to Doctor Strange was Stanley, the man appearing older than when Zaria had died. It was as if he lived another ten years after her death before traveling to return the stones. "Stephen Strange, I believe this belongs to you. Best be careful with it, trouble is nearing."

"Thank you," Strange said as Stanley gave him back the time stone. Aurora looked at Stanley oddly, confused to see him and not Zaria.

"Where's Zaria?" She asked, Stanley pausing for a moment.

"Your sister did it, she saved everyone, the whole universe. Unfortunately, she had to sacrifice herself in order to do that," Stanley explained before shrinking down and disappearing. Aurora just stared at the spot Stanley was previously in, wide-eyed.

"So, uh, what now?" Peter asked awkwardly, Strange and Wong looking towards Bruce.

"Let's head back to his place, I've got a lot of things I need to say," Bruce told the group.


IT has been six years since Zaria had stopped the Titans, killing herself in the process. During those six years, everyone learned of the heroine Zaria Jenkins, otherwise known as Aqua. The world was finally at peace, the remaining billon people creating a new country, the only country in the world. Jeria was the new world, a place of peace, love, and happiness. Things had returned to normal, students going back to school, adults going back to work, people living life like they were decades ago.

"Perfect!" Doctor Stanley exclaimed, smiling down at a table with a cloaked body. All six infinity stones were floating above the body. Stanley watched in awe as the feet of the body moved, the right foot normal while the left foot was metal, much like the whole left leg. "She's alive, Zaria Jenkins is alive." If only his statement was fully true. While the half-robotic woman looked like the Zaria Jenkins he trained, she was far from that. The Zaria who died to save the world, the universe, was buried in the capital of Jeria known as Stark. This Zaria was one from another world, one who went through different things than the Zaria Stanley knew.

"Where's Rory?" Zaria's voiced boomed as she sat up, wrapping her bionic arm around Stanley's neck. Stanley coughed, trying to loosen Zaria's grip. "Who the fuck are you?"

"Zaria! It's me, Doctor Stanley," he stuttered out, Zaria dropping him on the ground. "Your sister travelled back to the 2010s to save the world, she's dead now." Zaria narrowed her eyes at the older man before glancing around the room, noticing all the technology. Her ocean eyes quickly noticed the infinity stones.

"Where did you get the stones? Thanos destroyed them."

"From the past, you retrieved them to save us. You don't — your memory." Zaria grabbed Stanley again, holding him by his coat collar.

"Return the stones then come back and help me get my sister back. She's alive, I saw her ten minutes ago."

"You're not Zaria Jenkins, are you?" Stanley asked in a whisper as Zaria set him down.

"I am Zaria Jenkins, just not the one you speak of."

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