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ZARIA didn't wait long for Steve Rogers to find her, in fact she waited a half an hour in the bar. Behind Steve was Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes, men whom Zaria had studied for her mission. She mumbled as Hey Jude played out of the jukebox she created with the reality stone, turning around to face Steve and his 'crew'.

"Steven Rogers, James Barnes, Sam Wilson, to what do I owe the pleasure?" Zaria had a smirk on her face as she looked at the men. Grabbing her beer, she took a gulp before making three seats for the men. "Sit, let's chat."

"How do you do that?" Sam asked as he sat on the chair, Steve and Bucky following in suit. Steve gave him a look, telling him to shut up.

"That's for me to know and you to ignore," Zaria replied, sipping her beer once more. Sam glanced over at Bucky and Steve, raising a brow. Bucky however, never took his eyes off of Zaria, finding her piercing blue eyes similar to his own. She was broken under her blue suit, like he was broken too. "Anyways, I'm Blauer Ritter as the locals call me. I'm assuming the locals told you about me."

"We were wondering if you'd be willing to help us, ma'am," Steve told her formally, Zaria making a mental note of how Captain America fit his profile she studied.

"Sure Captain, I'll help you," she said, Sam giving her a confused look.

"Just like that? You're gonna help us without knowing anything about what you'll be doing?" Sam asked, Steve giving him another look. Zaria didn't look at Sam, instead she noticed Bucky's stare, the two locking eyes. It was as if they could telepathically communicate. She could feel him read her, like he knew how much she hated herself, her life, her mission. He could feel that she knew him, she knew how he was a killing machine and that didn't bother her, it was like she understood what it was like in a way.

"Who are you?" Bucky asked, narrowing his eyes. Steve and Sam glanced between the two brunettes, Sam picking up on the weird vibe between the two.

"I told you, Blauer Ritter. You don't need to know more than that if you want my help," she sneered, finishing off her beer and making the jukebox disappear.

"So, you are in?" Steve double checked, the woman smirking in response.

"I'm in." As Steve, Sam, and Bucky walked ahead of her, she tapped her ear. "I'm with them Swai. Three down, three more to go," Zaria said.

"Just the mind, time, and soul stone left," Lyra said in Zaria's earpiece.

VORMIR. 2016

JUST after Zaria had gotten the mind stone off of Vision, she opened a portal to Sakaar, picking up Lyra and taking her to Vormir where she would kill her. Zaria wasn't looking forward to this moment, she wanted to get it over and done with.

"You okay Zaria? You seem off," Lyra pointed out as the women got to a cliff, a floating man with a red skull standing in front of them.

"Lyra Swai, daughter of Franz Swai. Zaria Jenkins, daughter of Lorelei Jenkins," Red Skull said, Lyra shivering as the man looked at her.

"Yeah, yeah, can we just get to the part where you give me the stone?" Zaria said. She grabbed onto Lyra's hand, walking towards the end of the cliff.

"To obtain the soul stone, you must lose that which you love—"

"A soul for a soul," Zaria finished, Lyra gasping as she realized what was happening around her.

"Zaria, no! Don't do it, please!" She begged, trying to pry herself out of Zaria's tight grip. "Please, don't!"

"Whatever it takes, Lyra. I need that stone and I'm not leaving without it," the Terran explained, the Kree letting out a cry as she escaped Zaria's grip. Rushing backwards, Lyra found her back hitting a rock wall.

"There has to be another way Zaria, please don't do this. If you even care about me!" Lyra cried as Zaria approached her, the woman crying. Tears poured down her face while Zaria's face remained cold.

"I do care about you Lyra, in fact I love you. I didn't want it to be you, but you were the only logical choice. I do thank you for all the help you've provided me." Lyra's eyes widened as she realized what Zaria's words meant. Zaria chose her, meaning that for over two years the woman Lyra had grown to love had always known she had to kill her.

"You're sick! Everything Quill said was right, Gamora too! How can you do this? I thought you wanted the stones to save people, but here you go, planning on killing me!"

"Lyra, you're making this harder than it needs to be. This is for the greater good, for the lives of millions! My planet had roughly ten billion people before the Titans came, but now we have less than a billion, all hiding out, fearing for their lives and planet. The life of one crook, no matter how much I care for you, isn't worth the lives of millions," Zaria explained, gripping onto Lyra's waist, the Kree screaming.

"No! Zaria, please! Please don't!" Lyra continued to beg the 'heroine' as the got closer and closer to the edge of the cliff.

"You have to realize, I don't want to do this Lyra, I have to," Zaria told the distressed woman before tossing her over the cliff, watching as she screamed to the bottom. Letting out a whimper, Zaria found herself in tears as she was teleported to a lake with the soul stone in hand. She had just murdered someone, someone who she loved. "Five down, one to go," she whispered, opening a portal, leaving Vormir.


DOCTOR Stanley had done it, he created time travel thanks to the help of Lorelei Jenkins. With it being over a year, nearly two, since the Titans and all of Earth made their way towards America and Canada. Aurora got stuck in Georgia on her way to Canada with a group of survivors. The Titans claimed the northern parts of America, making it difficult for those outside of Canada to get into the safe haven.

"Are you nearly ready? Your mission will begin in a few weeks," Stanley asked Zaria who was packing a bag with futuristic technology that wouldn't be in the past.

"I believe I am Doctor."

"So, once you get all the stones, use the time stone to travel back here, then you'll snap your fingers—"

"And no more Titans, we've been over this Doctor Stanley," Zaria finished.

"Yes, but there's more to it than that. Once you snap, you'll most likely die." The room became silent as the words sunk in. While Zaria had been told this mission would most likely cost her her life, it didn't both her so much because the mission seemed like a dream. Now that the 'dream' was actually possible, she was terrified. "Are you still with me?"

"Yeah Stanley, I'm with you," she mumbled before Stanley continued.

"I would like to do some research on the stones before I bring them back, or send someone else to bring them back, I haven't decided on that part yet. I think I have to do it as I'll have to rewire and reprogram Vision. I'm getting a bit sidetracked, anyways, the stones will be brought back to the precise time you took them, that way the timeline doesn't change too much."

"I can't believe this is really happening, we're going to stop the Titans."

"And you'll be the world's heroine," Stanley said with a soft smile.

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