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TONY and Aurora kept the chatting down as it required too much energy. However, for the brief time that they did speak, the two talked about Aurora being able to feel her legs and her fire powers. Aurora admitted that she could fly but knew she wouldn't be able to in her condition, and she wouldn't be able to bring Tony with her. Both were dying of thirst, however, they kept warm due to Aurora keeping her hand on fire for Tony. However, behind the pair was a USAF Blackhawk rising over the lip of the dune. Tony turned, falling over. Aurora put out her hand, spinning around and collapsing beside Tony. Rhodey, winded, appeared a grin forming on his face.

"Saving your ass is getting to be a full-time job." His smile disappeared when he noticed the little girl lying next to his best friend. While this was something to question, Rhodey knew that this wasn't the right time.


RHODEY wheeled Tony down a ramp, also trying to wheel Aurora. He asked the little girl a few questions about herself but she didn't answer. Aurora had barely spoken since getting recused, only speaking to Tony and not leaving his side. Pepper was at the ramp's land.

"Help me out of this thing—" Tony said, struggling to his feet. He faltered, Aurora bolting up only to stumble back down. Rhodey steadied Tony.

"I got you, pal." They walked together, Aurora having to wheel herself as Pepper came forward. She met eyes with Rhodey, and he nodded to her.

"Thank you." Pepper faced Tony, putting on a brave face. Tony managed a small smile.

"Your eyes are red. A few tears for your long-lost boss?"

"Tears of joy. I hate job hunting," she replied. Pepper glanced over at Aurora. "I'm Pepper Potts, Tony's assistant. And you are?" Aurora glanced over at Tony who gave her a small nod, letting her know it was okay.

"I'm Aurora. It's nice to meet you, Ms. Potts," she whispered, still looking at Tony. Pepper bent down to make eye contact with the brunette. Aurora's eyes shifted from Tony to his assistant.

"Please, call me Pepper. So, how did you get here? Where's your family?" Aurora bit her lip, glancing back at Tony. Tony frowned, holding his hand out for Aurora to grab.

"It's complicated Pep, she's going to be staying with me."

"This isn't the way to adopt children Tony!" As she said that, Happy Hogan came around, holding the limo door open for Tony.

"Good to see you again, Sir."

"You do something new with your hair?" Tony asked.

"Wouldn't dream of it, Sir." Pepper helped Tony into the limo, then Aurora before getting in herself. Aurora squeezed closer to Tony, resting her head on his lower abdomen. Happy glanced back at the three through the mirror, smiling at the sight.

"Where to, Mr. Stark?" Happy asked.

"We're due at the hospital," Pepper answered.

"No — to the office. I've been in captivity for three months. There are only two things I want to do. I want to eat a cheeseburger. And I want to hold a press conference," Tony said, Aurora looking up at him.

"Tony, Aurora is seriously injured, I think we should go to the hospital first," Pepper said. Aurora shrugged.

"I could go for a cheeseburger, they're my favourite."

TONY'S limo pulled up, Happy letting him out along with Aurora. Tony finished a cheeseburger and Hogan took the wrappers. Aurora stumbled a bit, holding onto her cheeseburger as she tried to keep up with Tony. Although she could feel her legs again, walking was a struggle.

Obadiah Stane was waiting for Tony with a group of gathered employees. They all started applauding. Obadiah stretched out his arms; "See this. Huh. Huh." He hugged Tony warmly, speaking close. "Tony thought we were meeting at the hospital. You know there's a lot of reporters in there. What's going on? And why is there a little girl with a cheeseburger following you?"

"You'll see. C'mon — Kid, you stay with Pepper, okay?" Aurora frowned, watching Tony and Obadiah enter the building. She didn't listen and followed Tony inside, squeezing her way through reporters. As Tony entered, he struggled to reach the podium, followed by Obadiah. Tony gazed out over the reporters. There was a long, awkward silence.

"I...can't do this anymore." Everything went silent, everyone waiting for the Stark punch-line. Finally, a reporter ventured.

"You mean you're retiring?"

"No, I don't want to retire. I want to do something else." The room waited through even more awkward silence.

"Something besides weapons?" The other reporter asked.

"Yes. That's right" The room was buzzing with overlapping questions as Aurora squeezed her way to the front. She sat down, staring up at Tony as she ate her cheeseburger.

"The official report was sketchy. What happened to you over there?" A reporter asked. "Mr. Stark?" Tony was pensive, then the floodgates opened.

"What happened over there? I had my eyes opened, that's what happened. I saw my weapons, with my name on them, in the hands of thugs. I thought we were doing well here...I can't say that anymore," Tony explained, looking directly at Aurora who was munching on her nearly finished cheeseburger contently. "I saw my weapons nearly kill a little kid, leaving a little girl practically paralyzed. Now that little girl is sitting here, eating a cheeseburger without a family and with trauma because of me. I can't do it anymore." All the reporters looked down at Aurora who sheepishly waved at them.

"What do you intend to do about it, Mr. Stark? About the weapons and the girl?" The same reporter asked.

"The system is broken — there's no accountability whatsoever. Right now, as of this second, we are freezing the sale of all Stark weaponry worldwide. And with the kid, I'll be taking her." The room lit up in chaos. Obadiah was ready to wrap this up and moved towards Tony. "We've lost our way. I need to re-evaluate things. And my heart's telling me I have more to offer the planet than things that blow up, and that includes raising that little girl."

"So you're saying...what are you saying?" Tony wrapped his arm around Obadiah.

"In the coming months, Mr. Stane here and I will set a new course for Stark Industries. "Tomorrow Today" has always been our slogan. It's time we try to live up to it." The questions are now firing in a cacophony. Obadiah took the podium.

"Okay, I think we're going to be selling a lot of newspapers here. What we should take away from this is that Tony's back, he's healthier than ever, and as soon as he heals up and takes some time off, we're going to have a little internal discussion and get back to you. Thank you for coming by." Tony stepped down, exhilarated. Aurora rushed over to him, wrapping her little arms around him. Reporters went nuts, taking pictures of the pair. The two worked their way through the swarming reporters, approaching Rhodey and Pepper — who had stunned looks on their faces.

"You mean that? Or is this some clever stock-maneuver?" Pepper asked.

"Wait and see."

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