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DOCTOR Stanley's words had been stuck in Zaria's head; "the world needs your help Ms. Jenkins". As the new year passed, the brunette found herself pondering her purpose in life. Perhaps her destiny in life was to save the world? Maybe she was 'the chosen one' from books and movies? It was a ridiculous premise in theory but in the world of Gods, Titans, aliens, and superheroes, nothing seemed ridiculous anymore.

Zaria was currently sitting in her apartment in Atlanta, nursing a bottle of gin as she did research on Cronus and his siblings. Her life suddenly seemed pathetic after gaining superpowers. She had abilities people dreamed of having and yet she was sitting in her apartment, alone on a Wednesday afternoon, slowly getting wasted. Zaria found the more she drank, the more she yearned for a purpose in life. She didn't want to become a superhero though, she didn't want to give the world false hope again.

"Incoming call from Wren Williams," a computer voice announced, Zaria straightening herself up, fixing her hair, then answering the call. A holographic video-feed of Wren appeared in front of the tipsy human. Wren was wearing her 'Lady Liberty' outfit. The world considered her their new saviour, mostly due to Zaria's false promises that Wren could stop the Titans. Lady Liberty seemed fitting for the Harum as she was going to lead the world to freedom and liberty.

"Zaria! I heard about the accident from Lorelei. Are you alright? Both Lorelei and Aurora got powers from the accident, did you?" Wren asked, her accent still prominent. Having been on Earth for just over three years, the princess of Harum picked up English pretty well, along with some other languages. Zaria sighed, grabbing her gin bottle and taking a swig.

"Yeah, I've got powers. I can control water which is pretty fucking cool," she said, her words slightly slurred. Wren didn't take notice of her friend's drunkenness as she didn't know what being drunken was. What Wren did notice was the sad look embedded on her 'cousin's' face.

"What is wrong Zaria? You look sad?" Taking another swig of her alcohol, Zaria let out a sigh.

"Wren, what would you do if Harum was still around and you were it's only hope? Would you put your heart and soul into saving it or would you let it go, knowing that you couldn't actually save it?" Now, a normal person would most likely pick up on the hints Zaria was dropping and would know she was speaking about herself, but Wren wasn't a person, nor was she normal. She took the question as though it was for her, not for Zaria.

"I would die trying to save my home planet. Even if it would kill me, I would fight to save and protect my people if I could," Wren explained, Zaria staring at her holographic face. She took the alien's words to heart, deciding that she'd call Doctor Stanley once she had finished speaking to Wren.

"Anyways, what's going on in Europe?"

"We have been overtaken. Submarines have been slowly heading to Canada. England is the only place yet to be taken over by the Titans. Asia is not doing well either," Wren explained, the tipsy human just nodding along. "Rumour states Doctor Stanley has created a forcefield for Canada."

"Oh, has he? Man's a genius, huh?" Wren nodded, looking away from Zaria to something behind the alien. An explosion went off and Zaria frowned, knowing Wren would have to leave her once more. "You've got to go, don't you?"

"I am afraid so Zaria. I will call as soon as I can. Maybe I will be able to come back to Atlanta soon. Farewell Zaria," with that Wren hung up, Zaria sighing as she took another swig of gin.

"Love you too Wren," she whispered. The human stood up, throwing her nearly empty bottle of gin against the wall, shattering it. "God damn Titans! Fuck Cronus!" Tears poured down her face as she stood in the middle of her quaint apartment. "I just want a normal life, the chance to tell Wren how I feel and settle down. Is that too much to fucking ask for?!" Zaria was screaming now, shooting water everywhere. Over the past week and a bit, she found that when her emotions ran high, her powers did also.

"The world needs your help Ms. Jenkins."

"Call Doctor Stanley," Zaria shouted, wiping her tears. She took a deep breath, diverting her focus to the water around her apartment. With all of her concentration, the reporter managed to clean up the mess she had made.

"Ms. Jenkins! I must say I'm shocked you called. Didn't think you'd give in this early," Stanley voice boomed through the apartment. "Have you called to save the world Ms. Jenkins?"

"I'll do it Doctor Stanley. If anyone ever has hopes of having a normal life then the Titans must be stopped. I'll do whatever it takes to ensure my mother, sister, and Wren can have a normal life, or at least ensure they live," Zaria stated, her voice going from cracked to cold. "Whatever it takes."


"WHATEVER it takes!" Zaria screamed at Gamora and Quill while Rocket, Groot, And Drax watched. "That's what you'll do to take me down, huh? And coming from Thanos's daughter and her boy-toy." Gamora narrowed her eyes at the other female, Quill opening his mouth to object.

"I'm not her boy-toy, for the record." Zaria, not caring anymore, taped Quill's mouth suit using the reality stone. Everyone seemed shocked by this action, everyone but Groot.

"Shut the hell up Quill! Now, why did you two feel the need to pay Rocket to spy on me?"

"We left the Orb on Xandar under their protection and you stole it! You are doing the same thing as Thanos and I can't let that happen, I won't let you get away with whatever you're planning!" Gamora exclaimed, Zaria stepping closer to the green alien. The two began walking in circles, their faces inches from each other.

"I am Groot."

"No Groot, don't intervene," Rocket said, clearly scared of what would happen if the women's fight escalate.

"I grew up on a beautiful planet, one with technology you could only dream of, a world that hadn't had a war or battle in nearly three thousand years. My planet became everyone's dream planet until they showed up. Twelve gods, the Titans as they're known as, they showed up and took over, killing nearly two billion people, maybe even more as I've been away. The only way to stop them is with the infinity stones! I need those fucking stones Gamora, and I will stop at nothing to get them."

"I am Groot," Groot shouted, drawing everyone's attention to the little tree. Zaria stepped away from Gamora, walking towards Groot. She bent down, showing the little guy a small smile.

"That's kind of you to say Groot, but you can't help me. I've gotta go and finish my mission, alone," she told Groot.

"I am Groot." Zaria let out a sigh.

"I tell you what, you can help me by keeping an eye on those two losers. Does that sound good?" Groot smiled at the woman, holding his tiny arms out.

"I am Groot." Zaria picked up Groot, giving him a hug, per his request. "I am Groot."

"Thanks Groot," the brunette set down Groot, looking over at Drax. "Thanks for everything Drax, I seriously mean that. Perhaps we'll see each other in another life?"

"I will miss you Aqua." Zaria then turned to Rocket, tossing him a ship remote.

"It's all yours. You're the official owner of the Atlanta, treat her well, eh?" Although Rocket was terrified of Zaria most of the time, he noticed a difference in her. It was as if she was being sincere with her goodbyes, as if this would be the last time she'd see the Guardians. "Gamora, all the stones will be back in their rightful place when I'm done with them, so no need to worry. Quill, I'm gonna be honest, I'm going to miss you least of all. Now, I'm off to save the universe!" Zaria used the space stone to open a portal, looking over at Rocket. "That'll lead to your ship."

"I am Groot," Groot said before running through the portal, Drax and Rocket following him. Zaria turned towards Gamora and Quill, the first portal closing while a second one opened. She held up her hand, holding up the Spock sign.

"Long live and prosper fuckers."

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