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PETER woke up in a prison cell, an orange football shirt over his chest. He looked to his right to see a Dutchman.


"Where am I?" Peter asked.

"Municipal holding facility," the Dutchman on Peter's left answered.

"They said they found you unconscious at the train yard. Very dangerous," the first man said.

"We gave you the shirt because you seemed a bit cold," said a third Dutchman.

"Thanks. You guys are nice. You speak really good English."

"Welcome to the Netherlands," the men all said together.

"I'm in the Netherlands right now?" Peter asked.

"Yup," the first man answered. Peter stood up, running to the cell door.


"The guard's on a break. Probably talking to his wife," the first guy explained.

"Yeah. She's pregnant."

"Oh ja? Wat Leuk!"

"Ja, vier weken al." Peter broke the lock with his hand, opening the door and leaving the cell. One of the men stood up, walking to the open door. Peter looked to his left to see the guard wearing the 'Night Monkey' mask. He was talking over the phone to someone.

"Yeah. Yeah. Night Monkey. Yeah," the guard said. Peter left the building, the guard directing his attention to the no longer locked up Dutchmen. "You guys okay?" The men shut the door.

PETER was now outside on a farmers market, putting the football shirt on. After stepping in something, he made his way to a cheese farmer.

"Excuse me, sir? Can I borrow your phone?"

"Ja hoor," the cheese farmer answered, handing Peter the phone.

"Everyone's so nice here," Peter said, pausing to think of who to call. "Okay... Pick up, pick up, pick up... Hey. Hey! Uh... I messed up. I need a... I need a ride. Where am I? Uh... where am I, sir?"

"Het is Broek op Langedijk," The cheese farmer answered. Peter paused, having trouble with the pronunciation.

"Hang on, could you say that into there?" Peter held up the phone, getting the cheese farmer to repeat what he said.

"Hi, it's Broek op Langedijk. Yeah, no problem." He handed the phone back to Peter.

"Did you get that?"

HAPPY hung up the phone, glancing at Aurora who was standing behind Bucky. Happy and Aurora decided to bring Bucky along on the trip, especially since something happened to Steve. Wren had called Lorelei, informing her that Steve had gone missing after going undercover. Once Bucky found out his best friend was in trouble he hopped on the plane as quickly as one could utter Tony Stark.

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