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LORELEI Jenkins-Lang had lost her husband five years ago, a feeling that had happened two too many times in her life. She had spent the past five years raising her youngest children, Jimmy and Mikey Lang, along with Cassie who had lost her parents in what Aurora told her was 'the snap'. Lorelei was finally going to check Scott's storage unit, something she had been meaning to do for a while.

"Thank you, sir," Lorelei said softly as she walked towards the unit that had Lang hanging from the fence. She sighed as she noticed a rat running around, nearly pressing buttons that activate the opening of the Quantum Realm. "Shoo, shoo!" Trying to get rid of the rat, Lorelei pressed a few controls, opening the Quantum Realm. Her eyes widened as the rear door busted open, flinging Scott outside the van. Scott grunted as he pushed away a cushion out of his body, and deactivated the helmet, still grunting in pain, as he swept away sparks from an electrical failure out of his suit, then tried to stand up.

"What the hell?" He managed to stand up, as another electrical failure sparked out of his gauntlets, and he looked around in a confused look until he saw his wife. "Lore?" Lorelei let out a sob, wrapping her arms around her husband. "Lore, honey? What's going on?"

"Scott, I missed you so much! We thought — we thought you were dead!"

"Dead? What do you mean? I was gone for like five hours."

"Hours? Scott, you were gone for five years!" Lorelei exclaimed, Scott's eyes widening. He looked down at his wife, noticing she was missing the large belly she had due to being pregnant.

"You had the babies?" Lorelei nodded, sobbing as she hugged her husband once more. "You — how — what happened?"

"I'll explain everything at home Scott. Cassie and the boys will be excited to see you."

MEANWHILE, across the country in the Avengers facility, Natasha was cutting two pieces of bread with peanut butter filling into a couple of triangles, as Rocket was speaking.

"Yeah, we boarded that highly suspect warship that Danvers pinged," Rocket reported. A few of the Avengers were holographic calls from the left to right: Nebula and Rocket, Okoye, Carol with a new haircut, and Rhodey. Wren was sitting near Natasha, scribbling in a notebook in her native tongue.

"It was an infectious garbage scowl."

"So, thanks for the hot tip," Rocket said, turning to Carol and replying back with a smirk.

"Well, you were closer."

"Yeah. And we smell like garbage."

"Danvers is already garbage so there was no need for her to go to the warship," Wren said, narrowing her eyes at Carol before going back to her writing. Rocket burst out into laughter while everyone else remained awkwardly silent. It was no secret Wren and Carol didn't like each other, Wren finding the human with Kree blood to be cocky, rude, and emotionless while Carol found Wren to be annoying, clueless, and dumb. The rest of the team simply had to deal with the pair and their hatred of one another. 

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