Tainted Heart [Part 2]

Start from the beginning

It wouldn't hurt her if she got herself tested right? Only two tests to reduce any errors and boom, all her worries are at bay.

But what if she was pregnant?


Her feet trudged to the closest pharmacy, opening the door and scanning the isles. (Y/N) didn't want to meet anyone she knew at the moment, no body she knew, and especially, not her ex.

Her hand grasped one that she had seen advertised countless times on media, however, also decided to reach for another brand, just to be sure.

The woman couldn't bear to make eye contact with the cashier, fearing that all the raw emotions she was feeling could were worn in her colourful irises. Placing both boxes on the counter and, she waited as he gave her the price.

It was a quick exchange before her nose buried itself in her coat and her shoes scurried back home.


She paced nervously along the table and stared at the time.

Only a minute or so now.

It felt like an entire century before the result started appearing and the only thing she could hear and feel was her too rapid heartbeat.

She was tested positive, on both.

"Shit!" she slammed it against the counter in anger, why did she have to be pregnant, a week or so earlier she would be more than happy, but knowing the monster he actually was tore her to shreds.

A knock on her door stopped her from even considering what she would do with the baby.

Hiding the tests and washing her hands, she announced her arrival before opening the door and freezing in her steps.

Her breath caught in her throat as her eyes landed on the person in front of her. They just stared at each other for a moment before she gulped and murmured.

"What have I told you?" it was a rhetorical question and she wasn't expecting what he was going to say after -- only expecting him to try and defend himself.

"I know you hate me, but I need you to shelter three people for me," he whispered, nodding to his car.

The backseat window was very barely open and her eyes could distinguish dark brown eyes awkwardly looking at the both of them.

Searching, she also vaguely distinguished another silhouette in the front seat behind the tinted windows.

"Everyone is out to kill them, us," Donald trailed off.

Her fingertips tapped against the doorframe in thought before she sighed in defeat.

"Not everyone," her hand push the door to open it wider and her ex nodded to the people in the car and they quickly scurried out.

The woman's heart leapt out of her chest at the sight of a gruff, tired-looking bearded man, an old man in a wheelchair that looked easily in his late seventies, and finally, a thick-skinned girl.

Despite how ill the man appeared, his grave voice offered her a disgruntled thank you. The intimidating aura he radiated was soon washed over with the grateful thanks the older man gave her.

When they made dinner and prepared rooms for the guests, only (Y/N) and Donald stood facing each other against the kitchen counter and the kitchen island.

"Talk," was the only word she said. The girl conveyed it with such cold and venom, but Pierce knew how much he wounded her, and he entirely admitted to his mistake.

"Before we broke up, I was rarely at home because the firm ordered me to search for them. The time we broke up was when we tracked them and we were keeping an eye on them to know when to strike, but after our fight, I found it more difficult to keep at it, the chase, the battles, everything." He took a deep breath after he realised how low his voice had gotten.

"The only reason I didn't quit earlier was because I knew they would hunt for every single person I knew and cherished, to kill everyone."

"You were indispensable?"

"Not necessarily, they would do it to clean up every trace of illegal activity that might have been rumored because of us. I didn't want to put you in danger,"

"And now?"

"Now," he took in a much needed breath, "I realised that it would have been better to be in love and on the run than breaking your heart and keeping you safe," the man turned around, slowly, preparing to walk to the couch and expecting her to stay quiet.

(Y/N) gripped his bomber jacket. Pierce stopped in his tracks but didn't dare turn back.

"I never said I didn't love you, I'm mad and heartbroken because of you, yes, but I never stopped loving you," she admitted.

He turned around, a gleam of hope in his eyes.

"Don't give me that look Donnie, I feel like shit, b-but I can't let you go easily," she nearly let a sob escape, it was so unfair, everything was happening so quickly and she could barely keep up as things were being thrown at her and new obstacles were being added to her load.

"Why not?" he whispered. Behind her teary eyes, she managed to meet his gaze without breaking down.

"I'm-" a difficult gulp went down her throat as she placed her palm on her stomach, "I'm pregnant," silent tears streamed down her cheeks and she let herself engulf in a protective hug from Pierce. His lips kissed her forehead, breathing in her scent that he had missed so much.

"We'll get through this, together," he held her hand tightly, but she pulled back, still a little fragile about what his job is.

"N-no, give me time, p-please," she cried. Donnie frowned, feeling somehow worse about himself as he saw first hand how wounded he left her in.

"As much time as you need,"

Through rough times, I won't stop following you for doing the right thing.

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