Chapter 42: "So Damn Beautiful."

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The room was filled with words but all I heard was hers. My conscious focused on her pink glossed lips. The hidden curves under her dress I was desperate to explore.

My hand still connected to hers, I am as close as I can be—considering this time and place. I senate my thoughts as I wooz my mind around her, what we were, and how it used to be. Time has changed. She has changed, her skin has changed, her eyes has changed. It's been a while, I didn't expect her to be the same and she isn't. In the best way.

She was once the most gorgeous thing I could see. The most aesthetic thing to wake up to; like a lucid dream.

This girl I used to know, she was once everything to me, and just because she let me touch her but because with her I felt I could only claim to be love. I didn't know much about love, even these days I question whether or not I truly know it.

I remember first meeting her, it was at a dinner party my parents hosted. She was there, in this bright green dress, with these glorious shades of vanilla and chocolate.

At the end of the dinner party, it was just us. Our parents and other guests went out for evening drinks. The house, at such a late hour was rid of all who tended there. And I was to show her to the guest room, she was sleeping over. I was so nervous. I didn't have much experience with girls, but luckily enough for me she found me to be charismatic.

She placed her very own pair of clouds on lips right at my jawline; that's how she told me goodnight. That's I needed to keep me all night, alone, with a bottle of my mother's flower scented lotions and my restless adolescent pubescence.

I was 15 when I met this girl and she drove me crazy; in all the best ways. Last time I saw her, I promised her we'd run away from our family and everything else. All the stigma. The rules. My father. I wanted out and she wanted me.

"Can I have my hand back now?" She gave me this undermined look. I had half a mine not to, not just yet, I just got you back.

"Yeah." I take my hand back. "I'm sorry." I apologize.

"For what?" Her eyes gleam up at me.

I shrug my shoulders, "For everything."

"Jacob, right now is not the time and place for everything." Her eyes scarce away from mine, she folds her hand over her chest as if that'd make her more distant.

"I know that," I look beside me, a man past us by, he seemed my Father's age. I fix my senses on to this man. I didn't recognize who or what he was, but he exuded power. A strange power, mesmerized by energy. I fight between my suspicion and my thoughts for Ella.

"Excuse me," I touch the guy's shoulder and he turns around. He is just a bit taller then I was, had more muscle mass than I did."What's your name?"

"What's your name?" He growls, his voice hideous and monstrous; like how I hear my wolf inside my conscience. His heavy pair of hands forces my shoulders back. My chest stops and I take a moment to feel him, like an energy transference. In a moment, I suddenly feel an understanding of what this being is. A golem. A creature made up of clay, rocks, and magic. Witch magic.

"Ella, get behind me." I demand, becoming defensive.

"What? No. Who is this—who are you?"

"It's a golem."

"A golem, how do you know?"

I don't know how I know, I simply do.

"Ella, I said get behind me!" I shout as the golem rush toward me. I quickly dodge his attack, leaving him to fall against the wooden railing, breaking it and falling downstairs, in the midst of everyone.

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