Chapter 26: Cosmic

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I took one of the folded towels that laid on the table, wrapped it around my body, and step out of the shower. Jacob shortly behind me takes a towel and wraps it just above of his hips. I walk toward the sink and turn on the faucet, then grab the blue tooth brush that sat in a dark blue tooth brush holder. As I reached out for the toothpaste I noticed my hands turned prune, it happens when you stay in underwater for so long. Time went by so fast, it didn't feel like we were in there a while, everything felt right and perfect. Being with him feels perfect. Time imperceptibly stands still. Is it always this perfect with him? Why is he still single? Well, I guess he isn't single anymore, but still.  He could be with anyone he wants, but he's here with me, and I have him.

I have him.

His for me, and no one has him but me. I don't want to make it a big deal or anything, but he makes me feel good and there is no place I rather be right now than here, next to him.

"What time was it when you joined me?"

"It just turned one, why?" He responded coming behind me grabbing the other toothbrush.

I squeezed some toothpaste onto my toothbrush and hand the toothpaste over to him. I shake my head, " Just asking." I say as I proceed to brush my teeth. He brushed his behind me, I watch him through the mirror. I watch him, watch me, watch him.

I can't help but admire how perfect this is, what we have right now. We are comfortable enough to brush our teeth in the same sink with nothing but towels covering our bodies. It's easy to get mad at him, but it's also exceptionally easy to enjoy him; cause he is a snack. Scratch that— a full course meal. He is all mine.

I blush, thinking about the shower we recently had together; are hand all over each other. I can still feel my hands covering his solid figure with soap and can still feel the soap on his hard chest, and the taste of his skin on my tongue. And I can still feel his large hands cupping my breast. I swear the sight of water running down his back, there is nothing like it. I am awfully infatuated by him, and how he makes me feel. It's actually strange, he's strange in the way that he makes me feel things that never would've imagine I could feel. It's like he's a drug and I'm afraid I'll never get tired of him.

I'm not exactly a prize to be won and he wants me. I'm not saying he's perfect, but it sure feels like it, he's exceedingly attractive and he's attracted to me. It's just... I don't know... hard to believe I guess. I'm not skinny, and I'm not blonde. Blonde and skinny are the type of women, men like him will go for. So, it's one of the reasons why it's hard for me to believe he is attracted to me. It's strange to believe that someone like him thinks I'm beautiful. I know I am, I wouldn't let anyone tell me differently, but still. It's really hard to believe that someone like him could have such strong emotions and passion for me; to believe he wants me the way he does.  And the way he touches, it's like no one can ever touch me that, it's like he owns me. It scares me that I feel this way about him, honestly. I barely know who he is, and I already feel committed to him; in a way connected.  The way that I want him to have me, now I absolutely  cannot imagine anyone having me this way.

It's supposed to be impossible to feel this way for someone you barely know. Yet, my emotions are immensely affixed onto him, and I wouldn't have it any other way, because it feels good to be close to him. Before Jacob, I never envisioned myself being intimate so passionately with anyone. I can still feel him holding me against the shower wall, with his tongue in my mouth. The feeling of being of close to him is indescribable, I don't think there's a proper word or term to use that'll describe how it feels. It feels good, too good. Probably too good to be true. This feeling isn't the feeling you have for too long, no, this is the feeling that goes away almost too fast. Feelings like this, never last. It's like the last licks of a lollipop, you try to salvage it for as long as you can but inevitable if you keep licking it and enjoying it will not last. I shut my eyes and try take in this moment, because as perfect as it is, it will end, and something will go wrong.

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