Chapter 35: I'm There

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"Have you ever heard of Peter Stumpf?" Emily ask as she finishes up setting up the jars with herbs and different kinds of dust, candles, and a bowl.

"Who?" I ask cluelessly as I sat on the floor of my black carpeted living room.

"Okay, last time you remembered we talked about-"

"Witch trials. I remember." I nod.

"Yeah, so, this time we are going to talk about the Lycanthrope trials, also referred to as The Werewolf Trials." She said fixing the candles in a circle between us unlit. She fixes herself on the carpet across from me.

"Werewolf trials, got it. Now who is Peter Stumpf?"

"In 1589, Peter Stumpf had one of the most notorious werewolf trial in history. Most people believe that he practiced dark magic that was gifted to him by Satan himself." she takes a large old brown book from her bag and places it on her lap.

"I thought you said he was a werewolf."

"Yes he was, but he might as well have been a warlock as he may have had abilities of one. People also believed he was a lycanthrope, a man who had the capability to turn into a wolf. If you look back in history you'll see the concept of what witches and werewolves are were often mentioned together."

"Is it a possibility that werewolves and witches came from the same means?"

"Maybe, it's possible that they came from the same creator. There are stories about that we can definitely get into more of that later."

"So, what do people think now?"

"There are people who think werewolves and witches have much to do with each other; some people would argue that witches souls' share a twin flame to the lycanthrope's soul that there are always meant to be together so they might create an even more enchanting creature; hybrids."

"Hybrid?" I was interested in what Emily had to say as it related to Jacob and me.

"An offspring of two different species. Back then there was no short of them, they were the Alpha race of the spirit world to all other mystical races. There were werewolves/witches, witches/vampire, vampire/werewolf, fairy/demon etcetera. Hybrids were the apex predator until their race became endangered now there are only a few left. Some put themselves in positions to be worshipped by others."

"So are you saying Peter Stumpf might have been a hybrid?"

"Maybe." She shrugs her shoulders.

"Why did you decide to tell me about him?"

"Do you have plans to be with Jacob for the rest of your life?" she says answering my question with one of her own.

"I don't know, to be honest some days I feel like we are incompatible. I think we might be too much the same or too different to be with each other, other days I feel like I won't live without him not if I can help it."

"Have you thought about kids with him?"

I roll my eyes uncomfortable with the question, "What does that have to with my question Emily?"

"I'm just saying, if you decide to procreate with him-"

"Please stop. I'm not thinking about that."

"I know but listen to me, "she urges. "Has he told what would happen if you were to get pregnant by him, has he told you the risk?"

"The risks? What risks?"

"Essentially you are human right now, and so if you were to get pregnant with his child-with a werewolf's child-you might not survive."


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