Chapter 27: You found me

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I sketch Jacob's figure in a notebook that I borrowed from him. I'd say I'm decent, but I left that truth a couple of pages ago continuing my failing attempts to draw. Some days I'm good, today is simply not my day. I'm on my fifth try. We sat on a fixed bed on the deck, it's dark out. The only thing that lit up the night is the moon and the stars. It's a sight to see; the stars. When I think stars, I think my mother's eyes. I only ever saw her in pictures, which is sad but at least I know how stunning she was.

At this moment, I admire the simplicity of our relationship. We had dinner and now we're merely enjoying eachothers'  company doing our own thing; me practicing my drawing using his relaxed physique as my model, as he went through his email. The dinner; it was nice—expensive. Never ate like that ever in my life though, full five-course meal.

He shut his computer and turns to look at me, "No! Don't move your head, face your head forward. I'm trying to draw you." I exclaim.

"Can I see?"

"NO. You cannot see." I deny sternly. "Face forward." I demand.

He chuckles, "Okay."

His phone began to ring, he took his phone out of his pocket.  He reaches in his pocket and checks his phone.    

He denies the call.

"Who's that?"

He shakes his head, furrowing his face at the phone, he tosses it besides him. He leans back on the boat's railing that was behind the bed, while holding my legs on his lap with his hands.

I bite my lip in focus. I concentrate on the mini project I held in my hands. He says it's no one, it's no one.

But if it's no one then why can't he tell me who it is?

It doesn't matter. I push the problematic question to the back of my head.

Finally, I give up trying to draw him, I toss the notebook and the pencil at him. "You give up." He says opening the notebook.

I nod my head, "I don't know I'm usually good or at least decent."

He opens the notebook, "It's probably the model; I heard he sucks." He jokes.

I laugh.

"You know it's not that bad." He says flipping through the pages.

"You're just saying that."

"No, if you didn't give up so fast, these would've probably turned out great."

"You try sketching, it is not as easy as it looks."

"Well, it's not that hard." He said turning the page, he grabs the pencil and starts to draw lines.

"You sketch?" I ask.

"Not really." He says as his hands drew swift lines all over the paper

"Yeah right."

He smiles and shakes his head, "There is a lot you don't know about me, love." He says focusing on the drawing. I tilt my head to get a better view. It isn't noticeable what he intends to draw. I stay quite and watch his hands move.

About 7 minutes in, I began to see where he was heading. At least I think so. A bed?

"What are you drawing?" I finally ask.

"Just...wait." He says leisurely.

I lie on my back, stare up at the sky, and listen to waves crash. I bite my lip in anticipation. I'm anxious to see how his drawing is going to turn out.

JacobKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat