Chapter 28: Tell me what's on your mind

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A/N: So no confusion, this chapter starts off Sunday night, goes onto Monday afternoon onto Monday night. This symbolizes '~~~' a time/scene jump.



Gregory opens the door slowly, revealing a male figure. Gregory grabs my luggage and walks into the condo. Far behind him, uncertainly I walk through the door, but not as far as a welcomed guest would. With my throat all of a sudden going dry, my voice breaks as I spoke, "Noah is it?"

The sight of him...

As much as I don't want to admit it, this man standing before me, there is only one word to describe his features: gorgeous. The color of his skin is a mixture of honey and caramel. I love honey and caramel. He has a gentle look, with strong features. How is it that he has gentle lips, but such a strong, hard gaze?   His cheekbones are so fairly defined. His right hand in the pocket of his slacks, a glass of brown liquid in the other. The way he stood, so suave. He seems like the bad boy that your mom warns you about, those bad boys who skips class and he smokes cigarette  behind the school. Those boys that you just can't help but want to taste.

He gives me a silent nod.

"So, you don't speak?" I ask.

"I do." He says nonchalantly. He didn't speak loud, but the beat of his voice lingers in my ears. He has poker face that I can't read. What are you thinking about?

I look past him, roaming my eyes throughout his condo. It's a vase space. Way bigger than mine, and that's saying a lot. Especially if he's living in this big place all alone. "What am I doing here?"

"I don't know," he shrugs his shoulders. "I wanted to see what all the fuss was about."


"You know... having a mate and all that."

". . .Not what you expected?"

He gives a silent laugh, passes his hand over his jaw.

Gregory walks into view. "She's all set in your bedroom. I'm going to head out now. Is there anything else you need?" He asks Noah.

"His bedroom?" I scoff. "What do think is going to happen tonight?" I say offended.

"Nah, you good." Noah says to Gregory. Gregory nods his head and walks past me out the door closing it behind him.

"What exactly do you thinks going to happen tonight?" I repeat.

"I don't know, you tell me."


I walk out of the shower in towel and dry myself.

Right after this, I am leaving.

I put my phone in charge and I'm finish taking a shower, so now I'm leaving. My phone should have enough charge for me to call a taxi and go to a hotel or something. I put on a bra, a sweat shirt, and black tights, I fit my sneakers. I put my wet hair in a bun and walk out of the bathroom and walk back toward Noah's room. I fix my things in my luggage. I go check on my phone that was charging on his dresser. It has 34%. That's good.

I unplug my charger and walk to my purse and place it in.

I walk out of the room.

"Noah!" I call out.

But no answer. I walk to the living room. I push through the door and see Noah sitting on the couch, focusing on the phone he held in his hand.


JacobOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz