Chapter 16: Loved

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"So you're okay now?" Katie asked.

"Yeah I'm okay I didn't realize it would happen so fast, I guess I expected more pain." I said playing with my food, I can barely eat today. I'm at lunch with Katie and Jesse, I found out my friend Jesse was a wolf today. News to me, Jesse and I aren't too close but her and Katie are. I use always feel left out when they'd talk, now I guess I know why. While we were talking I was texting Jacob under the table.

"Everyone is different, I don't think it's anything to worry about. I mean when different species of supernatural creatures get mated together anything is possible. There is even a chance that they won't go through it. Right Katie?" Jesse said.

"I suppose, but Scar's human."

"Well anyways, so.. you did you guys do it?" Jesse said.

"Jesse," Katie exclaimed," I'm not-- don't answer that Scar, I rather not hear about my best friend sleeping with my brother. Thank you very much." Katie said.

"I'm sorry but your brother is sexy."

My jaw clenched hearing her say that, I wanted to slap her. Jealousy. Haven't been jealous about a guy in forever. He has this weird effect on me, where my pulse rises when I think about him and I begin to miss him. My skin gets hot when he touches my skin, perhaps you can call it an electric feeling. It's the smallest things that makes me truly believe the god really wanted us to be together. Fated. What if he fucks shits up? What if I fuck shit up? He is older. Isn't he like 23? What if age makes it difficult? But he's not that old. Well I am very conflicted. I snapped out of my thinking trance and responded.

"We didn't do anything, I don't think I'm ready for that. I don't even know him." I said. I agree with Jacob now that I have a moment of clarity and I'm not in heat of the moment I want to wait before I give my virginity to him. (Pun intended.)I barely know him. Who knows I'll probably end up hating him. But I'm probably going to have to buy a vibrator, Jesse was right he's sexy and he seems serious about me saving myself.

" I knew you were my best friend for a reason, for a minute there I began to question. Who are you?" She joked.

"Ha ha very funny."

"What are you doing tonight Scar?" Katie asked.

"I'm going somewhere with your brother."

"Ugh, kill me now."


"Scarlett I get it your his mate but I hate the fact that your with him. You were my human and he took you away from me. I swear if he wasn't my superior I would break his fucking jaw."

"You don't like him very much do you?"

"I love his my brother I don't particularly like him for varies reasons. Like he took you from me."

What is with you werewolves and claiming people?"

"You aren't my mate but you are my best friend and I love you like a sister. So that happens when we deeply care for someone."

"How does that even work? When Jacob tell you guys to do something you do it without question?"

"We aren't his minions, we have a mind of our own. We can choose to defy him but he is the Alpha, he keeps us safe and takes care of all of us. So the least we can do is show him some respect. I guess you can say we are naturally indebted to him." Jesse explained.

"Can a woman be Alpha?"

"A women can, but people can be sexist. They think woman are weak and frail. It pisses me off. She's called a Luna. Maybe on day if you except Jacob you'll become are Luna."

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