Chapter 3: Katie

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It was raining today reflected just how I felt, my desk in my classroom was in the back near a window I didn't mind I hated the front; always feel like someone is talking bad about me and they probably were. My day did not come off to a awesome start, there was a problem with the heater at home so I had to take a quick cold shower. And don't get me started on how Rachel annoyingly messed up my day. That fake Italian bitch. She makes my blood boil.

We were in the kitchen I was minding my own business eating my pancakes that I made while she was making her daily coffee for my herself as well as my dad. The coffee machine stop working, she of course so swore I had something to do with it and I sabotaged her morning not to mention how I was out get her. If anything she was out to get me, she was all sweet to me until my dad and her got married now she is a bitch. We went back and forth, until she heard my fathers voice was in the clear she slammed the cup on to the floor, and screamed "You little brat how could throw this glass cup at my face you could of hurt me!" She made sure my dad heard her as he came down the stairs.

And of course my dad came and comforted her.

"I didn't even do anything, Dad she is lying in fact she threw the cup on the floor herself--It's not my fault all that Botox she uses makes her incapable of focusing on what's in front of her." I mentally smiled like an idiot admiring my clap back applauding myself.

She gasp as if it's not true, "Out of air?" I scolded. I got down from the island table stool not being able to finish my breakfast, I grabbed my backpack and left my bus stop.

"Scarlett come to the board and do this problem," my teacher said.

I walked to the board and grabbed the marker, I wasn't the best at math but I definitely wasn't the worst. It took me a good 3 minutes to answer the problem.

"Good job," my teacher said.

I smiled and walk back to the back of my class, I didn't have any friends in this class, I didn't have much friends at all 6 grade can be tough; kids can be really mean.

When class was over it was time my lunch period, I ate alone at a table outside I didn't get wet though, there were umbrellas covering the table. I had a sandwich with an apple juice. I really loved apple juice I had this weird thing going on with it.

But of course I can't be peaceful and mind my own business without being bothered or eyed.
A group of boys were talking about me, I knew it because they were pointing at me and they got up and walked towards me, one of the guys threw my sandwich on the floor and the other poured the juice in my hair. I stood up, "Why!?" I said was about to cry I didn't do anything. Why was my day going so bad? What did I do wrong? And to top it off another guy pushed me on the floor, "Because you are ugly that's why."

"Pick on some one your own size, you big idiot." As I dust myself off I saw an angel come to my rescue(not necessarily) but she did save me from further damage. She punched one guy square in his face leaving a quick bruise, she was obviously strong and not the one to mess with. She kicked another guy in between his legs he fell to the floor groaning clutching his balls. People started crowd us, I laughed as she beaten them up one by one. She was like an skilled fighter or something. Everyone around us was cheering her on, but unfortunately an administrator came to view and grabbed her away from the ruckus. I pushed through the crowed and followed them to the office, she can't get in trouble for helping me. That wasn't fair. "Mr. Hadley it's my fault I started the fight, if anyone should get in trouble it's me.

"You were not the one punching those boys."

I had to think fast I couldn't let her get in trouble all by herself so I kicked him hard in his knee. The girl laughed-- he groaned in pain and grabbed my arm "You are in trouble now." He scolded. I sighed I have absolutely nothing to lose. "Whatever," I mumbled.

As we reached the office he placed made us sit outside the Vice Principle office as he walked in.

"Thank you for doing that, I really appreciate it."

"It was no problem they deserved it, thanks for trying to take the blame."

"Well I had to do something, It wasn't your fault."

"Actually it is I have history of loosing it, I have my temper problems."

"Oh well still, if we going to get in trouble with each other we might as well know each others name. My name is Scarlett Meyers."

"Mine is Katlyn Young."

I smiled, my first friend.

"Ladies come in." Mr.Hadley said.

We followed him in, we took a seat in front Ms. Gale our Vice Principle.

"Katie this is your 3rd time this week, you know I'm going to have to suspend you-- you know that right?"

"Do what you want to do Ms. Gale, but what you need to do is in force a better policy against bullying."

Ms. Gale ignored her snarky comment, " I haven't seen you before, can you start by telling me your name and what happened out there.

I explained to her my side of the story.

"-but if it wasn't for Katlyn I could've been hurt further by those boys and they would be here not us."

"Fair enough but you did kick your teacher, so I am giving you detention and letting you off with a warning. And as for you Ms.Young you will be suspended for 3 days instead of 10 be grateful your friend here hasn't been here before and is was the victim. You have to understand Katlyn you can't go around beating people up because you have the upper hand regardless of the situation you should've let an adult know. I will be calling your parents and let them know, and Katie I really don't want to see you in my office anymore."

"Ms. Gale unfortunately I can't promise you anything, there are knuckleheads that needs to be knocked out." She said unapologetically, I really think I'm going to like this girl.

Ms. Gale shook her head, "Get out of my office."

We both stood up and walked out the office, "We should become really good friends and make a habit of me hurting someone and you get me out of trouble." Katlyn said.

I laughed, "Do you want to come over to my house after school?"she asked me.

"Sure I have nothing better to do."


Scarlett age 12 grade 6
Katie age 13 grade 7

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