Chapter 1: Big Bad Wolf

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Scarlett sat on the table as she did her homework, feeling exasperated with the math problems. With everything. Her father just married a French beauty, her intentions with Richard were to be described as gold dig. Of course, Richard didn't notice her intent, and if he did he didn't seem to care. He genuinely adores her.

Richard loved his daughter but he had trouble expressing that love. He was successful African American accountant, but he had no success in raising his daughter. He used to hire Nannies to take care of Scarlett's needs, but ever since he married Rachelle, she fired the nannies and any attractive female help. Of course, she hired a staff to her expectations without the consideration of Scarlett.

After Richard's wife left when Scarlett only turned 2, he hasn't been the same since. Evet left him with a child that meant nothing to him without her. He blames Scarlett for her departure and reminds Scarlett every year on her birthday that her mother died giving birth the her; regardless of truth. He protects Scarlett from it, the fact that her mother is an evil witch that chooses power over family—he rather not explains that to a child. Imagine rehashing that. Richard and Evet were high school sweet hearts, they were mates (soulmates). She was reborn as a witch and she had one taste of power and not even her mate could defy the hunger she had for it. She did everything she could to obtain more and more of it, swearing she had it under control, but in reality, the magic controlled her and to this very day it still does. She is somewhere in the Amazonian Forest. She is one of the many leaders of the Wiccan Coven, they have a different perception of everything. They have god that they worship, they practice magic differently from most other covens, year-round rituals, sacrificial magic (human sacrifice), the list goes on. Before all that Evet was recognized as a Roman witch, who studied pure magic, magic that her coven believed was provided by their Roman Catholic god. Now she left that power behind for her daughter, Scarlett. A young witch, that knows nothing about it. No one to teach her of this magic. No mother. No father. No coven. It remains untapped and pure.

Scarlett is a ten-year-old girl, African American and Roman decent. She is an unborn witch. She is the soulmate to wolf royalty. Jacob Young. A soon to be Alpha to his pack, he is a dominating fine young man. He will make an exceptional Alpha as well as Entrepreneur. He will provide and protect his pack, family, and soulmate at all cost.

Scarlett POV

"Scarlett Darling, where is your father? I got big news!" Rachel asked fixing her breast in her slutty outfit. She was my Dad's wife aka my stepmom. She's horrible, she doesn't know anything about being a wife or a mother. I would never consider her as my mom.

"How am I supposed to know Rachel?" I responded fixing my things back into my backpack.

"It is Rachelle, hold the L! How many times am I going to tell you?" She said with her fake French accent. Ugh.

"Rachel-- Rachael, what's the difference?"

"Ugh!!! Richard get your little brat!"

I shook my head as she shouted through our big house searching for my dad.

She may be pretty, but I don't like her. I walked to the back part of the mansion, a forest was behind it. My dad doesn't like me going out there, he tells me there is wolves out here. He says that to scare me, but guess what I'm not scared I'm a big girl. The wolf has teeth? Well guess what, I have teeth too. So, I go anyway, he soon found out so he built a fence so I wouldn't go. But I love to read out there with my flashlight in my hand and an enjoyable book, so I learned how to climb a fence. I fall hard sometimes but I'll be okay, I haven't died yet.

Sometimes I hear wolf howls but I can never actually see them, like they are invisible. My dad says he never hears it, so sometimes I second guess whether the howls are in my head. And it doesn't help that I usually read Scary books, so sometimes I do get scared and climb the fence as fast as I can. But mostly, I do like it when they howl it make me feel good, like my heart stars beating fast but in a good way. In my dreams, I would see them clearly and I would ride on top of the biggest one, he was black and hairy but soft and I would have dreams of me cuddling with the big black wolf. I like dreaming, because sometimes I have amazing dreams. I dream about my mom too. I dream that she is beautiful. I never seen a picture of her so I wouldn't actually know.

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